“Don’t worry about it, brother. We’ll put her up on the trailer and get her home safe,” Kane’s deep voice offers. Thankfully someone is thinking clearly as my mind races out of control.
Thank Christ for this family of mine. I honestly don’t know what I would do without them.
Ilet the warm water pour down over me, soaking through to my scalp before streaming down my back. My hands cover my face as my pent-up emotion comes to the surface and gentle sobs begin to rack my tired body. I’ve been on edge since I saw Penny’s car get hit, but the adrenaline combined with the need to support her, kept me from falling apart.
I followed the ambulance to the hospital and stayed with her all afternoon. The only time I wasn’t by her side was when she was having a few x-rays done to make sure nothing was broken. I took that time to call Gloria. She was a mess, as expected, but she couldn’t leave the diner during the lunch rush. I told her I would stay and I kept my word, but honestly, I planned to stay even before making the promise to Gloria.
The tears started the second the water touched my skin. In the privacy of the shower, the walls came down and the stress of the day came rushing out. I think the doctor could sense me cracking. As I was leaving, he actually stopped me and asked if I wanted to talk to someone. I turned him down, figuring a hot shower and a cup of tea at home would do the trick.
I did however give him Fifty’s name and number.“Her son, Benjamin, is out of town. Someone should really call him to make him aware of the situation,” I had said.He had assured me that he would call to let him know. And since Fifty is out of town, I also gave him my number. I know Penny will need a ride home when they’re ready to discharge her, so I offered to be that person.
For a second, I considered calling him, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. We haven’t spoken in almost two months, and I knew I’d break if I heard his voice. I never would’ve been able to hold it together. It was much better if the call came directly from the doctor.
Something about watching Penny being pulled from her car and taken away with the sirens blaring really woke me up to just how fragile our lives are. She got lucky. Sure, she’ll go home with some scrapes and bruises, but it could’ve been so much worse. Despite the strong appearance she puts on, there’s still a delicate and breakable person hiding underneath.
I slip into my bathrobe and finally leave the steam filled room, after what feels like hours. It took a while for my body to relax, but thankfully the hot water kept flowing. I move past my bedroom door, deciding to make a cup of tea first.
I grab the teal-colored kettle off the top of the stove, remembering the shopping trip I took with Mom a couple weeks ago when she helped me pick it out. I should call her. After everything today, it would be nice to hear her voice. But I’m drained. I’ll call her tomorrow.
I turn on the faucet, filling the kettle before setting it back on the burner and turning the heat to medium. Opening the cabinet beside the stove, I pull out an oversized coffee mug and a small box of honey and lavender tea. I leave them on the counter, and turn, retrieving my phone from the center island.
As I move back down the hall, I glance at the screen, breathing a sigh of relief when I find no new messages or missed calls. I plug it in to charge, setting it down on my bedside table before moving to open my dresser drawers. I slip easily into a pair of sweats and a matching tank just in time to hear the faint whistle of the kettle.
I fill my mug with hot water and drop in a tea bag before making myself comfortable on the couch. I decide the best thing to do at this point is put on a mindless movie. I clutch the steaming tea, sipping slowly as I stare at the screen. It seems to do the trick, because I haven’t even made it halfway throughStep Upand my eyelids are already feeling heavy. I turn the TV off and trudge down to my bedroom, crawling under the warmth of my soft comforter.
Just as my head hits the pillow, a soft light touches my eyelids. I peel them open again, finding my phone lit up on my side table. I reach out and lift it and see a new message.
I lay here in the dark, my eyes reading the single word over and over. And despite the exhaustion still gripping me, there’s no way I’m falling asleep now.
Iknew I needed to see her, but I had no idea where to find her. I had practically stalked her apartment, waiting for her to come out or get home, but I hadn’t spotted her yet. I needed a little help, and this time, I wasn’t too proud to ask for it. Luckily, I have friends in high places, and a mom who was willing to help me search online.
Once I managed to convince Gloria to tell me where Jade was spending all her time, I asked Ma to help me figure out where to go. She had pulled up the Winthrop site, and found some campus maps that gave me a general idea of where I needed look. And trust me when I say that I’ve seen my share of some fucked up shit, but the idea of setting foot on a college campus right now, is truly frightening.
I definitely got a few double takes as I rode my bike through campus before finally parking in an almost empty lot. I guess most kids have probably gone home for the summer, but there’s still a few of them wandering around or planted on the grass, soaking up the sun. As I walk the path, I get a few more sideways glances, and I love every fucking second of it.
As I turn a corner, I finally see the signs I’m looking for, pointing me toward the Winthrop fitness and recreation center. I follow behind a group of kids moving in the same direction. One takes a look over his shoulder, feeling my presence. He quickly whips back around, looking nervous as fuck as soon as he sees my cut. I can’t help but chuckle softly to myself as I continue to follow them into the building.
They continue to move forward towards an interior door labeled ‘weight room’ as I let my eyes move around, trying to figure out which direction I need to go. I notice a small reception desk with a young girl sitting behind it, staring at an open laptop. Stepping closer, I notice the desk is covered with pamphlets offering personal training and different fitness classes.
“What class are you interested in?” she asks without even looking at me.
“Where can I find the dance studio?” my deep voice responds and she looks up, her eyes widening as she takes in my appearance. “I’m meeting a friend,” I add, seeing the fear flash in her eyes.
“Oh, uh, okay…” she stutters slightly. “It’s, uh, up the stairs, first door on the right,” she tells me.
“Thanks,” I offer.