Page 38 of Fifty

“No fucking way,” I spit out, my fists now clenched.

“I know, brother, I know. This shit is hard to hear, and honestly, that girl was pretty fuckin’ trashed, but Cora seemed to think there might be some truth to it,” he says. I take in his words, but need more. For all I know, Cora could have been shitfaced too.

“What exactly did she say?” I push the question through my gritted teeth.

“Basically, that her friend, Jade, used to strip at the club too, until she started hanging out with a member of the MC,” he clarifies.

“Me…” I breathe, my brain and my gut both twisting.

“Talk to her. Find out if there’s any truth to this shit before it gains traction. You know how this stuff spreads around here. I hate to have her rep ruined before she even gets a chance,” he advises as his hand falls heavy on my shoulder.

“Oh, we’re gonna have a fuckin’ chat,” I reply, pushing my chair back from the table.

“Woah. Just take a minute, brother. Don’t run over there all hot and make more of a fuckin’ mess. Just sit here for a minute and figure out what you’re gonna say,” he offers before turning back toward the door.

“Thanks, Pres.,” I reply and the door closes again.

I sit at our table, trying to calm my racing mind as I take in and process everything that Ryder just said to me. Pushing out a deep breath, I finally stand. I know what needs to be done. I’ll talk to Jade, but first I’m talking to Shark.


“Either of you seen Shark today?” I grill Mickey and Drake as I stomp back into the room.

“Yeah, he was around earlier, but said he had some shit to do. I’m guessing he’ll be back for the party,” Mickey answers.

“I doubt it. Kandi’s working tonight. He’ll be there watching,” one of the girls butts in.

“Even if he went there, he’ll still be back here later. You know he never misses a party,” Drake smirks.

“You two know Kandi?” I turn slightly directing my question to the unnamed girls, watching their eyes widen.

“Uh…yeah. I know her from the Foxx DDen,” the blonde answers.

“You work there too?” I ask.

“Yeah,” she smiles. “But don’t get any ideas. If you wanna see the show, you’ve gotta come to the club,” she replies, clearly reading more into my question than intended. I have no desire to see this chick naked.

“Do you know Jade?” I question roughly, feeling every fiber of my muscles tense as I wait for the answer.

“No, not really. I mean, I’ve heard of her, but we never worked the same shift,” she breathes out easily without a second thought.

“Thanks,” I push through gritted teeth before turning and stomping toward the door. This girl has no idea who I am, she’s got no reason to lie.


My blood is boiling by the time I whip my truck into the parking lot at the Foxx DDen. I’ve driven by the flashing neon signs before, but I never had the same interest as Shark had in coming to this place. I’ve been to strip clubs before and seen plenty of women take off their clothes, but it’s always been much more appealing at the clubhouse, where touching is usually allowed and the bedroom is an available option.

I pull in beside Shark’s bike and leap from the truck as soon as I slam it into park. My feet hit the wet pavement as I stomp around the front of the truck and make a path toward the door. After a quick once over by the bouncer manning the entrance, I’m cleared to go inside.

It’s dark, as expected with lights glowing around the stage and music pumping from what seems like every direction. I spot Shark at the bar as my eyes begin to adjust, and I move forward.

“Jesus, brother. You fuckin’ snuck right up on me. Didn’t expect to see you here. What’s up?” he questions feeling my towering presence over his shoulder.

“We need to talk,” I respond gruffly and he turns.

“What the fuck is your problem?” he asks sensing the rage radiating off me.

“You’re my problem, motherfucker,” I growl feeling my fists tighten at my side.