Page 67 of Forget Me Twice

“You’ll laugh,” I hedge, hoping he’ll drop it.

“Ohyes, try me please. I want to be able to skip my core workout in training later,” he says in the cheekiest fucking voice possible.

“There’s a dead senior in the girl’s locker room…on account of her having seen my tattoos,” I mutter under my breath.

I have to hold the phone away from my ear then, because Dio positivelyhowls.“How thefuckdid she manage that? Who got the drop on you?”

See? This bullshit is exactly what I was trying to avoid.

“I don’t want to fucking talk about it,” I snark back.

“Oh my sides, shit.Ow,” he wheezes. “We can’t let you out of our sight for one fucking minute, can we, babygirl?”

I can practicallyhearthe tears in his eyes.

Smug prick.

Time to deflect. I’m running on borrowed time as it is.

“Where’s Dominic now? I need to head him off. Can’t have him lurking around.” After witnessing the Pantheon meet up with an Underworld contact, I realize there’s no telling how far they’ve ventured into our world. It’s entirely possible they’re already well aware of who Sebastian Grayson and his Second are.

It’s the same reason I couldn’t risk Zoe casually mentioning my back tattoo to the Prefects over lunch and have the Boys clock me as a Gray Man.

See? Messy. Colossally fucking messy.

“Still outside the Briarthorn block. Doesn’t look like he’s being discreet about it either. Be careful, babe.”

I nod to myself. Fucking power plays. I give into my ingrained habit of running through possible scenarios.

“Might want to add the Briarthorn cameras to your sweep as well then,” I add before hanging up.

* * *

By the timeI reach my dorm building, I’ve short-listed the most likely reasons for the impromptu visit.

Both Sebastian and his Second loathe setting foot anywhere this side of the Bridge, so I’m thoroughly convinced that they must have seen Reid’s video. Zoe’s copy of the video had come through in a massive group text, but I had to assume it was also on social media somewhere, and Dominic’s here to read me the riot act.

Or they’ve simply finally decided its time for me to retire with an all-expenses-paid trip to the bottom of the Tethys. I’m not sure exactly how many second chances I was allocated for this mission, but it didn’t seem like our boss was overflowing with good will all those weeks ago as he was gleefully assigning me to this hellhole.

Dominic’s waiting for me beneath the shadowed portico of my dorm block. His face is like stone; hard angles and even harder to read. His brow is pulled down low, but that’s kind of his default look. He’s not on my list of people who really unnerve me, but he’s got a direct line to Sebastian. And Sebastianison that list.

“Librarian. Nice of you to join me,” he says with that pack-a-day smoker’s growl of his. His expression is still not giving anything away.

I tip my chin at him. There’s no point in trying to small talk my way out of the inevitable. There’s also no way this man in particular is going to let me. He makes it a habit to spend as little time in the same vicinity as me as possible.

I’m also keenly aware of prying eyes.

“The Symposium is this weekend,” he continues, and my guts do a massive backflip of relief. I carefully keep my features as neutral as possible. Dominic isnotone to pass up on an opportunity to ream me out—and he didn’t mention the video.

He also didn’t bring up the four dead bangers in the alley off the Guardhouse or the fact I just left behind a dead co-ed in the bathroom during lunch.

Those were also solid contenders on theList OfMost LikelyReasons Sabine Meets Her End Today.

I’m tryingreallyhard not to count my fucking chickens. Did he really come all this way just to chit chat about theSymposium?

This weekend marks the 63rd annual Underworld Symposium—a gala night always held on neutral ground and attended by Families and clubs and syndicates from both Sovereignties. The location is always a random pocket of No Man’s Land overseen by the Gatekeeper.

It’s the most highly anticipated event on the calendar, knowing it’s a guaranteed way for everyone to get safely wasted and shit talk their sworn enemies without fear of bloodshed or reprisal. Although it’s not officially hosted by one single party,Hospitiumwill still very much be in effect.