Page 53 of Forget Me Twice

Axel’s eyes track down my chest as I approach and he flashes me his best salesman’s smile. “New girl, enjoying the party?”

The music isn’t as deafening as it is downstairs, but it’s still a struggle to be heard. I lift my shoulder and shout in return, “I guess it depends. Did any of your girls make it? I was hoping to dance with some of them tonight.”

He leans back against the railing and cuts a look towards his friends, before giving another considering once-over. “Maybe. Who are you looking for, baby?”

I sidle up and lean against the railing with him so he can hear me better over the bass. “Have you seen Charlie, Molly or Crystal around? Roxy? I’m so fucking bored, I’d even hang out with Mary Jane at this point.”

Axel squints his eyes at me, pretending like he’s trying to decide whether I’m worth taking a risk on.

He’s another stupidly good-looking Rox senior. He doesn’t play sports for any of the Academy’s teams, although he’s fairly tall and has the lithely toned body and style of a skater. He’s got two snake-bite piercings and a dark swathe of hair that almost covers a pair of green eyes that are always flashing with attitude.

I almost wonder why he and Lake aren’t friends. They’ve got the same devil-may-care attitude about them.

I recognize the song and dance. I also know he’s going to sell to me, regardless. I’m proven right when he blows out a dramatic breath and asks with a lop-sided grin, “Yeah, I got you, baby. How about you come and party with Elyse and I?”

Elysium.Not the uncaring bliss I’d get from a bump ofAsphodel, but it’ll be good for a few hours of fun, uncomplicated rolling. I’ll even be able to continue working. That is unless he’s actually got something a bit stronger with him and he’s keeping his cards close to his chest, for whatever reason.

“Sure, after you.”

Axel pushes off the railing and swaggers towards a private hallway leading directly off the second level’s main area. The walls of the passageway are covered in all kinds of graffiti, painted in a fluorescent paint that glows brightly beneath the black lights overhead.

We pass a few closed doors before he leads me to one right near the end. Inside is an empty, unassuming room—all that’s inside is one of his buddies sitting on an old couch and casually holding his stash for him.

Tyrone stands without a word, throws the duffel to Axel and heads out the door. Seems a bit lax after all the cloak and dagger, but I’m in no position to complain. I just want a fix at this point.

I guess it’s time to find out whether he can actually deliver, or whether I’m wasting my time and I need to go find a Beetle or a Malibu downstairs.

Axel kicks the door shut after his friend and immediately unzips his duffel. “Are you just looking for a quick hit? I’ve got some bars and shit in here as well.”

My ears perk up. “Yeah? I’ll grab whatever downers you’ve got on you to take home, and I’ll get a few drops of Elyse for now.”

He holds up a bag with what looks like a hodge-podge mix of benzos. “I’ve got—” he starts before I cut him off with a wave.

“Don’t care, I’ll take them.” I toss him the wad of cash I had put aside from last night.

“Alright, baby. Rock’n’roll,” he says, pocketing the money and holding out the bag with a smirk. I take a step towards him, arm reaching for the baggie. Just as I go to grasp it though, Axel nods at someone behind me.

A pair of hands snatches my outstretched arm, before a second set grips my opposite biceps just as roughly.

“What the fuck, Axel?” I cry, giving an annoyed shake of my arm. “There’s more than enough to cover it there, why’re you getting frisky with me?”

“Because you make it so easy for us, you fucking junkie.” Unease pours down my back at the taunting sound of the redhead whose swaying hips I had followed up here on a whim. Sloane. I didn’t even hear the door open.

Just like when Tristan grabbed me in the bathroom, I’m at the whim of my captors’ strength. Being agile does nothing when I’ve already lost the advantage and I’m outmatched by sheer size.

I twist my head from side to side, finding that I’m being restrained by two of the Krakens I hadn’t managed to recruit yet. Brett Donoghue and Liam Byrne. They’re both big strapping lads with Irish family names. I guess it’s possible they’re already spoken for, and working under the O’Sullivans. Looks like they’re also going on myDisposal Listfor lost causes.

I attempt to track Sloane as she walks slowly around me, coming to a stop next to where Axel is standing. She’s a total bombshell tonight, with her fiery locks and an emerald mesh dress that clings to her like a dream. It shows off a lot of skin with that illegally low back.

“What’s next, Walker? Pig’s blood?” I ask her with a flat laugh.

Her answering laugh is a little more animated than mine. “No, I think what a crackhead like you needs is something a little stronger.” She trails a finger down my sleeve and taps in the crook of one arm.

I frown. “Crackhead?”

She tips her head to the side, hair sliding off her shoulder as she does. “Tweaker? It doesn’t really matter. We all know you slam back pills at your locker or in the girl’s bathroom at all hours of the day.”

I scoff in an attempt to hide my surprise. Well, fuck. I wasn’t exactly trying to tip toe around, but I hadn’t expected anyone to actually fuckingnotice.