Or perhaps I’m just hallucinating with all of the blood that’s still very much occupied elsewhere.
“I’m not usually big on jewelry, Sinclair, but I dolovea good hand necklace.”
And just like that, I’m firmly back on this encounter remaining educational.
“Christ, you have afucking mouth on you,” I growl out. The hold on my composure is tenuous now, but I do my best to keep from letting the turmoil and desire reflect on my face.
With the last threads of control, I sew my cool, unflinching mask back on.
“Why don’t I give you a better use for it?” My voice is colder now.
Good. I need to keep my wits.
I take a small step back and with the hand still around her throat, I shove her down. She doesn’t flinch as her knees hit the floor with a dull smack.
Just looks up at me, eyes shining with unconcealed arousal.
Fuck. Weak.
With my other hand I free my pulsing cock from the tight confines of my zipper. It’s long and hard as fucking stone, already dripping at the head from the agony of forcing myself to stand by and watch her with Baker.
I squeeze Sabine’s neck again and her dark red mouth pops open, tongue out, showing me the hint of the piercing on her frenulum. Everything zeroes in on the sight of her kneeling before me, waiting and ready.
Not giving myself a chance to second guess my actions, I surge forward with my hips, punching past her lips.
Yes. Fucking, yes.
I don’t give her time to adjust her jaw—I just surrender to the brutal pace needed to whip this smart little ass of hers back into line.
The fingers guiding my cock move up to spear roughly into her hair. I press down with my nails into her scalp in a way that matches the possessive hold of the other hand around her throat.
With my palm where it is, and the lapels of her jacket, I can’t really see much of her body. But it doesn’t matter. Her mouth is hot and warm and so fuckingright.Every fibre in my being is struggling to hold back from fucking her face right through the goddamn wall.
Despite the unrelenting thrusts however, she doesn’t look alarmed or unsure. There aren't any signs she’s distressed. No, she’sinto this.Her tongue is determinedly lashing a path up and down my cock as I move in and out. Her fingers dig into the back of my thighs, pulling me forward, urging me on.
Everything about this feels otherworldly.
I can see tears forming in the corners of her eyes from the force of my assault, but her focus never waves. Never leaves my face. Even now it’s like she’s still watching every micro-expression. Cataloging.
“A good start, but I know we can do better,” I grit out, each word laced with a beast that’s this close to fully slipping the leash.
Obediently, her chin tilts, opening her throat. The submission sparks something on a primal level. Without hesitating, I shove deeper until my cock slips snugly into the tight embrace. A wanton moan escapes through the seal of her lips. It sends a desperate vibration all the way through my balls.
But I don’t know whose urgency it is—mine or Sabine’s.
Then I feel her swallow hard against my palm, the movement strangling the head of my cock that’s now jammed so tightly in there. My eyes roll back in my head and lights flash behind the lids. I answer with a choked groan of my own.
God Al-fucking-mighty.
“I’m not done with you, don’t get too comfortable.” I say through clenched teeth as I pull out and ram in again.
I thought I might have found her limit by now, but still she doesn’t choke or gag. The tears have gathered and spilled over, but her fingers just continue to press into my thighs, goading me.
I pull out and push in again, not stopping until I feel her nose and lips pushing in against my pelvis. My hand flexes, right where I can feel my cock pressing through her throat.
She’s taken everything. Every single inch.