With another seductive Orbison grin, he runs his tongue over his bottom lip, his whole mouth and chin still glistening withme. He then holds my matching lustful gaze and licks his hand clean.
All before tucking himself back in.
“Better get moving, love button. Don’t want to be late for your first day,” he murmurs as he stands up. Gently, he uses his clean hand to pull my skirt and blazer back down over buttocks which are still covered in erotic gooseflesh. Then he slaps my ass before disappearing into the attached bathroom.
Rolling my eyes, I test my post-orgasm jelly legs by taking a small side-step. I think they’ll hold me up. A quick check in the mirror behind me shows my makeup and hair are still untouched.
The cheeky bastard kept his promise.
When I’m confident said legs really won’t give out on me, I change my saturated underwear, pop two Xannies in the hopes of prolonging my sex-high a little longer, and then grab my book bag, ready to head down to the Academy food hall to find some breakfast.
I wait near the front door, taking in my new home for the next academic year. I was a little disappointed to find there had been no vacancies in any of the historical dorms, and that I would be staying in one of the newer buildings on campus.
Thanks to Foster’s interference however, I did end up in one of the more ritzy and private suites available—an exposed brick, loft-style apartment with the equivalent of a master bedroom, private bathroom, kitchenette, and combined living and dining area. It’s sparsely furnished in a modern, industrial-style design, with decor in shades of black and white. It’s simple, but the overall effect is comfortable and most importantly, easy on my eyes.
I’m now starving and eager to leave when Rhett finally emerges, hair wet and slicked back from his forehead. My wretched libido weeps when I see he’s swapped his gray sweatpants and bare chest out for his habitual outfit of TAC cargo pants and Henley.
They do cling deliciously to every muscle though, so I’m still very much being optically blessed.
It’s been a rewarding morning.
As he makes a beeline towards the front door, he tosses my cellphone at me. I catch it with my free hand as I follow after him. “Thanks,” I offer. I must have left it by the bed.
Rhett winks and nods towards the phone. “Daddy Jax texted you for your first day.”
My cold, shriveled heart gives a tiny thump inside my chest. The last several weeks have been just short of grueling—endless hours of research and reading, learning to navigate our new team dynamics, and establishing a safe foothold in unfamiliar, enemy-controlled territory.
Despite the new and intense workload, Rhett has stepped up and filled our team leader’s rather large shoes without issue. But I never anticipated how hard it would be not to be greeted every morning by Jax’s darkly handsome face, gruff commanding voice and strict routines.
He’s always been my safe place, and without him, I feel more and more adrift. Less and less in control. The noise is louder and sporadic texts sent when he can dodge both his new handlers and his father just don’t hit quite the same.
I miss him fiercely.
Rhett’s irreverent nickname forces out a smile though, and I swiftly unlock the phone, opening to a message sent about the time Rhett was still buried under my skirt.
JAX: Sabine.
SABINE: Oh Captain, my Captain.
His reply comes through straight away.
JAX: Are you ready for today? It’s okay to ask for help. I don’t know when, but I’ll do what I can.
A breathy laugh escapes me. Poor Jax. This is some Knox-level worrying.
SABINE: Do you doubt me, Capitano?
SABINE: Give me until winter break
SABINE: And I’ll have Rox Academy on its knees ;)
There’s a short pause before he’s typing again.
JAX: That’s the part I’m afraid of.
When the three dots don’t appear again, I lock the screen and slip it into the inner pocket of my blazer. His faith in me despite the sarcasm wraps around my chest like a hug. Sebastian is not the only Grayson I really don’t want to disappoint by fucking up this assignment.