Page 96 of Sweet Deception

"H-hank Miller. I put him away for sexual assault five years ago." His voice is hoarse, his eyes never leaving the image on his phone.

A loud cry comes from Kathy behind me.

I let him go to call Rafael. "Hank Miller has her. Find out everything you can about him. Kylie's dad put him away for sexual assault." My voice trails off as the gravity of the situation hits me.

"Wait!" Kathy yells. "I've seen him in the building. He was there when I dropped Kylie off the other day. He gave me the creeps, and I told her to be careful around him." Her voice wobbles and her eyes glisten.

I turn and grab her gently. "Where does he live? Which apartment?"

She grabs my upper arms back, tears running down her face. "The apartment below her. The older neighbor … he's visiting or something."

I let go of Kathy and bring the phone back to my ear. "Did you hear that? Break it down. Find her." I disconnect the call and rush back outside, with Kurt running after me. Before he hops into the backseat, he instructs Kathy to call Chief Canton and let him know what's happening.

"Back to the apartment as fast as you can," I instruct Joseph. He puts the car into reverse and slams his foot on the accelerator. Tires squealing as he brakes fast and puts the car in drive.

"I got that text hours ago. Hours." Kurt's agonized voice rips into me. I can imagine the guilt that must be eating him alive. It's what I felt when I thought she was taken because of Rome … because of me.

Chapter forty-one



I end the call with Rome after the report of Robert getting shitfaced at a bar a block from his apartment, and a promise that he'll check in with all his men tailing the syndicate.

Relieved Robert doesn't have Kylie, but also concerned we still don't know where she is, I tuck my phone back into my inner coat pocket as I sweep my gaze around the apartment. I take my time to search for a struggle. When I find nothing, I exit the apartment and take a swift look around the small landing area.


I eye the apartment door across the way and walk a few steps to it, putting my ear to the door. I don't hear anything, but knock anyway.

After a few seconds of silence, I pull out my tools and kneel to pick the lock. The apartment is a mirror image of Kylie's.

Luca had me look into everyone who resides here when he first contracted with her, so I know all apartments are rented out to older, retired people. This one belongs to a couple. It was odd to me that two college students chose a building that isn't filled with a younger crowd. I've been wanting to ask Kylie about it.

After snooping around, making sure no one is hiding anywhere in the apartment, I find a pad of paper on the kitchen table scribbled with flight information telling me they're not even in the state.

Locking up the apartment, I head downstairs to check out the lobby. Nothing is out of place except a trash can lying on its side by the mailboxes. I walk over and right the can, but don't see anything else out of sorts.

Next I go to one of the first floor apartments and knock. Both have noise coming from them. One apartment is blaring music, the other a TV, telling me both units are occupied.

I knock again and finally get an answer. "I'm coming. Hold your horses."

I take a step back, hands in my pockets, trying not to intimidate the old woman as she opens the door.

She squints, giving me a once-over. "Who are you?"

"Hi, I'm looking for my friend, Kylie." I point upstairs.

"Who?" she asks loudly.

"Kylie? Your neighbor upstairs?" I say louder. It's clear this woman is hard of hearing. "I was supposed to pick her up, and she's not answering her door."

"Well, what do you want me to do about it?" She scowls at me.

"I just wanted to know if you've seen her." I smile, hoping to appear harmless. If she thinks I'm up to no good, I won't get any information out of her.

The old woman shakes her head. "I haven't seen her since yesterday. She's probably off with her boyfriend." She shuffles back to shut the door in my face.