"Of course, Kathy. So what about this guy?" Talia looks between us with one eyebrow raised.
Mom crosses her arms again as she tilts her head at Talia. "I just saw the young man staying with your downstairs neighbor. What do you think of him?"
"I've not really run into him much. He's not the friendliest." Talia shrugs. "So I haven't spoken to him."
"I didn't get a good vibe from him, so I want you and Kylie to be careful." She holds her hand up. "Just until you get the lay of the land. Okay?"
"You don't have to worry about me, Kathy. I'm always careful."
"I'll always worry about you two—comes with the territory of being a mom." Mom turns back to me, missing Talia's reaction to her comment. "Come, show me your new wardrobe and then I have to get going to make dinner for your father." She turns back to Talia. "I've just found out my daughter has a very generous boyfriend. Have you met him yet?"
"Not yet. School's kept me busy, so I'm rarely here these days. But I can't wait to meet him." Talia smirks at me and I respond with big eyes.
"I can't wait to meet him, either." Mom turns back to me. "Kylie, your dad is going to insist on dinner with him soon." Now Mom is smirking at me.
I narrow my eyes on her. "You mean,youare going to insist on dinner soon? I'm sure dad would prefer to pretend he doesn't exist."
Mom and Talia chuckle.
"Well, it was nice seeing you again, Kathy."
"You too, dear." Mom squeezes Talia's arm before walking toward my bedroom.
Talia grabs her purse off the hook by the door before shifting her gaze to me. "I'll see you later, Kylie."
"See ya." I give her a small wave before heading to my room and bracing for Mom's reaction to my new clothes. When I step into my room, she's holding a pair of heels, revealing their red bottoms.
"Are these Louboutins?" Mom's eyes are wide in shock as she holds out the heels I wore the night of the dinner with the mayor and chief.
"Is that what they are?" I wrinkle my nose cause I really don't pay attention to those things. Why should I, when I never imagined owning anything like it before?
Mom's shock turns into laughter. "Oh honey, he has no idea you couldn't care less about this stuff. I gotta say I'm impressed, though." She puts the shoes back on the floor where she found them before turning to my closet and gushing, "Oh, my!"
Chapter thirty-one
Angel, Joseph will pick you up at the usual time. Be ready.
I've missed having her in my bed this weekend. These past two weeks have been a test of my willpower. If I ever do really have to leave for a business trip, she's coming with me.
I'll be ready, and I have a surprise for you.
What is it? Tell me.
No, Mr. Bossy Pants. It's a surprise.
You're getting a spanking for teasing me.
Stop threatening me with a good time.
Soon, Angel. Soon.
"Is that Rome?" Rafael asks when he saunters into the kitchen.
We stayed up for another weekend hoping this would be the time we'd catch the break-in live on camera. While it took longer than weexpected, Robert, the bartender, and another guy finally broke into Sweet Connection's office around three am this morning.
With our part done, we crashed at Rafael's place. Since I'm the first one awake, I'm helping myself to his food and making us all a late breakfast.