I have just enough energy to roll to my other side, fixing my pillow and making sure the sheet covers me.
Luca walks out of the bathroom naked and heads to the walk-in closet. My breath catches as my eyes follow his every move.
The man is magnificent.
I eye him greedily as he opens a drawer to pull out a pair of sweatpants and puts them on before grabbing a t-shirt, tugging it off the hanger. He doesn't put it on, though. He brings it to me and sets it on the bed before placing his hands on each side of my head. "How do you feel about a cheese and veggie omelet with bacon and toast?" He brushes my hair aside as he waits for my answer.
"That sounds wonderful." I attempt to brush the lock of hair at his temple, but he grabs my hand mid reach and brings it to his lips, kissing my palm.
"Come down when you're ready, but only dress in my shirt." His eyes focus intently on me. "I'm not done with you." He kisses me one last time before heading downstairs.
Tucking my hands under my cheek as a dreamy smile curls my lips, I replay our lovemaking.
I know how fortunate I am to have gotten Luca. So much so, that I vow to be a good sugar baby. Six months would normally feel like forever, but something tells me it will go by quick.
If all goes well, he'll be my one and only contract. I feel like the generous payments he's giving me will cover my parents' mortgage until they can get their medical bills under control. I hope. Admittedly, I don't know how much their medical bills are, but I believe my dad's insurance is good.
I don't think I can do this again. The thought of having to contract with a new sugar daddy makes me feel ill.
Sighing, I fling the sheet aside and head to the bathroom for a quick shower before going downstairs.
The closer I get to the first floor, the hungrier I am. The scent of bacon has my stomach rumbling as if I haven't eaten in days, but when I pad into the kitchen, my stomach isn't the only thing hungry. My eyes devour Luca's bare back, latching on to the two dimples above his ass while he stands at the stove, flipping an omelet in the pan.
"Would you like coffee or an orange juice or both?" Luca asks, looking over his shoulder and sweeping his gaze down my body where his eyes linger on my bare legs.
"I would love some coffee." Blushing, I look to the coffee bar I found last night, but didn't investigate.
"Come here," he commands.
I snap my eyes back to his to see his hand extended out to me. Obeying, I pad over to him and he wraps his arm around my back, pulling me into his side to kiss me.
Well, more like that devouring thing he likes to do.No complaints here.
I wrap my arms around his torso while he slides his hand under my shirt to cup my bare ass. He turns to face me, but then jerks back and curses.
"What? What's wrong?" Frowning, I release him. I'm turned on again and mad at whatever interrupted the path of his hand.
Luca lets me go to tend to the bacon on the stove.
"Grease." He explains, then nods toward the coffee bar. "Can you make me another cup? A selection of coffee is in the cabinet above the machine. Creamer's in the fridge."
"Sure. What do you drink?" I ask, moving to the machine.
"Dark roast, but I also have a medium roast, if you prefer that for yourself. The machine can do a single-serve."
I eye the expensive-looking machine, hoping I don't break it. When I think I've got it figured out, I grab the container of coffee.
"Babe?" I ask.
Arms wrap around me from behind, startling me. "I like that." Luca brushes my hair to the side for access to my neck.
"You like what?" I ask distractedly as I read the scoop directions on the coffee container.
"You. Calling me babe." He says as he rains kisses on my neck.
My "Oh" comes out more of a moan, as his hands distract me and all thoughts of coffee disappear. He has one hand covering my breast over the shirt, massaging me, and the other is slowly traveling down where I hope I know where it's headed.
Luca chuckles in my ear before letting go of my breast to wrap over my hand, helping me to tip the scoop of coffee into the machine. His other hand stops its descent to move back to my hip.