Page 21 of Sweet Deception

Lifting the corner of my mouth in a smile, I try not to show how much it bothers me. "I should get going. I have class in the morning."

He doesn't budge. Only continues to stare at me.

After an uncomfortable minute, the blank look morphs into curiosity as he tilts his head. I'm beginning to realize this man may have multiple personalities with the way he can switch from one emotion to the next.

"Ready to be rid of me?" He quirks his eyebrow in humor. When I attempt to deny it, he places his finger on my lips. "I need to handle a few things tonight, which is why I asked Gio to pull the car around. He'll give you aride home while Rafael follows behind in your car.

I frown. "It's not necessary. I- "

"Angel, you've been drinking. I will not allow you to drive even if you only had one drink. I recognize you need your car for school tomorrow, which is why I'm having my men help." He slides out of the booth and holds out his hand to me.

Placing my hand on his, I let him pull me up. I won't argue that I'm sober enough to drive. My dad drilled into my head that one drink is always too much.

I sigh.

He smiles.

Following behind Luca to the door, I sneak another glance at the server. We make brief eye contact before she turns away. I can already tell she's going to be trouble. I'm hoping Luca won't want to spend time here at the club. I hate dealing with jealous women. Why anyone would chase a man who didn't want them is beyond me.

Has he had her? It's obvious she wants him. He did say women always want more. Maybe she's one of them.

If that kiss is a preview of what's to come, I understand the pining. But I would never let a man know it after he tossed me aside.

I narrow my eyes at Luca's back. I can't accuse him of putting me in the same room as one of his conquests since it is the only place the service uses, but rational thought be damned.

Gio's chuckle snaps me out of my crazy thoughts and I swing my gaze to his. I try masking my irritation with a smile, but it doesn't fool him. His smile kicks up higher as he opens the car door for me.

"I've got it," Luca informs him. Gio nods, then moves to round the front of the carand jumps into the driver's seat. "Give me your keys, Angel."

I dig into my tiny purse and pull out my keys to hand to Luca when I jump at the sight of the other guy standing beside us.

Where did he come from?

Luca snatches the keys out of my hand and tosses them to who must be Rafael before pulling me into a hug. He rests his chin on my head as I snake my arms around him and enjoy his embrace.

I never would've guessed he was a hugger.

"Angel, sign the contract first thing after school. I'll pick you up at 7. I have a dinner meeting I want you to come to."

"Okay." I tilt my head just enough to breathe in his scent at his neck and it seems like he's doing the same with his nose buried in my hair. "What do you want me to wear?"

"Don't worry about it. I'll send a package to your apartment with everything you'll need." He turns me around toward the door. As I climb into the SUV, Luca smacks my ass, making me shriek, and I look over my shoulder to glare at him.

Gio chuckles from the front seat while Luca smirks. I playfully roll my eyes before settling into the backseat. Before I can buckle in, Luca beats me to it and proceeds to strap me in. I've never had a man buckle my seat belt for me and my mind immediately goes to him using restraints on me.

Where did that come from?

Maybe I'm projecting because a soft chuckle brings my focus back to the here and now. He's leaned in, both hands on either side of me, and his face is inches from mine as he stares at my mouth. My lips part in surprise just before he gives me a quick kiss. Then with heat in his eyes he tells me, "Tomorrow, Angel," before backing out and closing my door. Even in my dazed state, I admire his form as he saunters back into the club.

Chapter ten


Gio's chuckle has me dragging my eyes away from the closed door of the club. I glance in the rearview mirror to connect with his gaze before he returns his eyes back to the road.

Is this guy always this happy?

"You're Gio, right?"