I was a fool.
And now I have to confess my sins if I want a chance at a future with her. I've never been more nervous in my life.
Giggling penetrates my thoughts again. I owe Gio for some of her healing. He's been a great distraction for her.
And that's the rub.
I want to be the one bringing a smile to her face, not Gio. I'm thrilled he can make her laugh, but it's distracting as hell and my emotions war between relief and jealousy. It means Kylie's trauma isn't as bad as I feared, but there's still work to be done to get her back to herself. The nightmares at night are a concern, which is why her laughter—especially after last night's nightmare—gives me hope shewillrecover.
To help her along, I've found a therapist who specializes in kidnap victims. It took some convincing, but Kylie agreed to go when I pointed out she hadn't gone one night without waking in a panic and shaking.
I glare toward the living room when Gio barks out a laugh at whatever Kylie said.
I'm tempted to hand things off to Rafael, but I've planned a trip to Tahiti as a graduation present for Kylie and need to get the business in order before we leave.
I run a hand through my hair in agitation when a chuckle has my glare swinging toward Rafael.
"Your jealousy is showing, boss." Rafael smirks as he shuffles the papers on the desk.
"Stop calling me boss. I told you that's not necessary. And I'm not jealous of Gio—"
Rafael snorts.
"I'm not. It bothers me that I can't be there for her." I wave my hand toward the living room. "If I wasn't planning on taking her on this trip, I would be the one on the couch with her right now." I throw the resumes Tim sent me for the club down and lean back in my chair.
"It's not like you aren't with her every night." Rafael shakes his head. "I never expected this day would come."
"What are you talking about?" I snatch my glass as I contemplate Rafael's expression.
"You've been weird about the girl since you laid eyes on her. You're …" He looks toward the ceiling, searching for the right word. "fascinated with her. I've never seen you like this with anyone else."
It's true, I am fascinated. Almost to the point of obsession. It’s an emotion I've been battling since the beginning.
"Don't forget, I was there when you first saw her. Looked like you took a punch to the gut." Rafael leans back in his chair.
"So." I shrug. "The moment I saw her, I wanted her."
"I assumed that's all it was, even when you lingered in the car, watching her. I wonder how long you would've sat there if she hadn’t turned to leave." He raises his eyebrow at me.
"I enjoy looking at her." The right side of my mouth tips up.
"Yeah, I can tell since you can't stop looking at her whenever she's in the room." He shakes his head. "It's more than that though, isn't it? You still look at her like you want to devour her, but your eyes," he waves his hand at me, "they go all soft now." He looks down at the desk, brows furrowed. "I never thought I'd see the day that the great Luca Morelli would fall for a woman. And not just any woman. My first impression of her hasn't changed. She's as sweet and innocent as they come."
My smile grows the longer Rafael looks baffled. Kylie's been breaking through his hard exterior piece by piece and worming her way in. Knowing he’s not ready to be teased about it yet, I rest my arms on the desk and change the subject.
“Have you thought of a name for your company yet? I want to order the signage for your floor as soon as you decide.”
I finally had a talk with Rafael and Gio about becoming partners. Rafael’s partnership will focus on opening his own security and investigation firm. I've given him a floor in our building for his headquarters. He agreed to focus on ourbusiness with the option to expand to other customers when he feels his company is ready. He's already hired the men who helped investigate the mole.
Rafael rubs his chin as he stares down in thought. “I’m considering keeping it simple. RSI for Rafe Securities and Investigations.”
“I like it. You’ll need a logo.” I tap the desk with my pen as I contemplate a few ideas. “You could do a shield with the RSI chiseled into it.”
Rafael tilts his head at me. “I like that. Do you think Sally in marketing can create something for me?”
I snort. “Are you kidding? She'll do anything you ask of her.”