"Good. Follow me."
Chapter two
Ms. Wesley leads us down a long hallway, taking us deeper into the building. We pass by another office and a kitchenette area before stopping at the last door where she has to enter a code. I marvel at how big the building is when we step into another reception area. Hidden as it is, it makes sense why it's used for the sugar baby part of the company.
The room is empty except for the receptionist, who's a younger version of Ms. Wesley. Same bun, same type of glasses perched on her nose, and even the same style of clothing. I find the straight-laced attire comical considering what services this company provides.
"Betty, this is Kylie Davis. She's ready to fill out her paperwork." Ms. Wesley hands her my folder before bringing her attention back to me. "Take your time and make sure you complete everything." She turns to leave, but another question pops into my head and I can't let her go just yet.
"Wait—what happens next? You know, after …" I wave to my folder in Betty's hands. I can't believe I didn't think to ask Talia how the entire process works.
Ms. Wesley scowls down at her watch as if I'm wasting her time, but when she flips her gaze back to mine, she must see my fear because in the next second, her features soften. "What happens next is you'll go home and wait for a call. We'll run a background check and as long as we don't find any issues, we'llschedule a doctor's appointment to verify your health and supply you with birth control. After that, we'll schedule salon appointments that will end with a photo shoot for your portfolio. Once we receive your pictures—which will complete your file—then we'll share it with potential clients. This process can take anywhere from a couple of days to a few months, depending on client interest."
"A few months?"The thought of not receiving money in time fills me with panic.
She tilts her head and studies me. "I don't think you'll have to wait that long. After cleaning you up a bit …" She waves in my general direction. "I'm sure several clients will be interested." Without another word, Ms. Wesley turns and heads back to where we came from.
I frown down at my dress, confused by thecleaningupcomment.
"Here you go. You can use this room, but please hand me your phone first." I turn to see Betty standing next to the room across from her desk. At my puzzled expression, she explains, "This prevents photos from being taken of the documents. Don't worry, you'll get it back when you hand in your papers."
"Oh, sure." I move to her while digging through my purse for my phone and hand it over before accepting my folder. "Thank you. I'll just …" I trail off because Betty has already dismissed me and moved back to her desk.
Alright then.
Once I get settled at the table in the small room, I pull the guidelines out and review them first. Thankfully, I find everything straightforward as Ms. Wesley informed me, and move on to the questionnaire.
The first question asks about my availability, which relieves me of another concern I had. I'm too close to graduation to have my class schedule disrupted. I've already had to extend my classes out a year as it is.
Next, it asks about traveling. I hesitate to say I can't travel, so I write dates that again won't interrupt my attendance. With graduation fast approaching, maybe I'll get to go somewhere cool, like Italy or England for the summer. Business men take their girlfriends on business trips all time, I would imagine.
"At least I might get one benefit out of this arrangement," I mutter to myself.
The following section digs in to what kind of relationship I want with the client?
The first one lists a BDSM relationship, and I can't mark the boxnofast enough. No judgment if others want that, but I already know it's not for me. I know myself. I'm too stubborn to submit like that to a man.
The next one confuses me. It's an option for a daddy/little relationship. I've heard throw away comments about calling a mandaddy, but thelittlehas me puzzled. Something tells me there's more to this and I'm reluctant to risk getting into something I'm not sure about, so I checknoagain. Besides, I don't want to think about my dad when I'm with this guy. I wrinkle my nose at the thought.
The next few are straightforward until one particular question comes up that I have no clue what it means. Being too embarrassed to ask, I marknoagain. Since it has discipline in the title, I'm not sure I even want to know what it is. Maybe it's the consensual violence Ms. Wesley hinted to earlier.
When I turn the page, my eyes widen at the amount of questions still to answer. Well, I can't complain they aren't thorough.
Twenty minutes later and after answering all the questions, I worry over the excessive number of boxes markedno. This will most likely limit my options, but I just can't fathom trying out some of these things with a complete stranger.
This entire experience is surreal. My hope is there will at least be some men whose primary reason for wanting a sugar baby is to have a companion for events.
I sigh cause, yeah, even I'm not that naïve.
I sit back and massage my neck, trying to relieve the tension, even knowing it's probably there to stay.
Satisfied I've gone over every detail. I gather the documents and return them to Betty. After a quick review of the forms, she hands me my phone back before dismissing me.
As soon as I exit the building, I slump against the door, my energy drained despite the bright sunlight beating against my skin.
As I soak up the warmth, I ask myself again if I can really do this? I bring my hand to my temple and massage the pain that has settled there as I stare acrossthe street and contemplate my current choices. I've run my options many times already and unfortunately, this is the only viable one to earn me enough money before it's too late.