Evan grinned, and Rico couldn’t keep his gaze off the man’s dimples. They were sexy and turned him on. He subtly shifted his hips, trying to give his hardening cock some breathing room, and steered the conversation to something more serious as a way to get his body back under control.
“Scout was there for me at some of the worst times in my life. At the end of tenth grade, my folks were killed in a car accident. I was an only child. My aunt and uncle, my dad’s brother, took me in, and I had to switch school districts because of where they lived. Scout never let me go, though. Despite living across town from each other and going to different schools, he was always there for me.”
There were many more occasions when Scout was there to hold Rico’s hand and get him through some bad times, and Rico would be forever grateful for his best friend. However, now wasn’t the time to get into all of that. He and Evan would have tobe a lot farther into a relationship before he would spill his guts about everything he went through since his parents died.
Reaching over, Evan set his hand on the one Rico rested on the table. “I’m sorry for your loss. It’s hard at any age to lose your parents, but no more than when you’re still a kid.”
Rico felt a tingling shoot from his fingers all the way up his arm at the warm touch. He turned his palm over and squeezed Evan’s hand before letting go and picking up his cup. “Thanks.” He cleared his throat and took another sip of his cooling coffee. “Okay, let’s get off the morose topics. I just realized I don’t even know what you do for a living.”
The tension surrounding them lifted. “I’m a broadcast engineer, otherwise known as a sound technician, for the radio station KCXN. I usually work from six a.m. to two p.m., Monday through Friday, but I occasionally pick up some overtime when other techs call out sick or take vacation.”
“So, you work with Bentley and Barrett, the sportscasters? I listen to them every morning.”
“Yup, and then I cover Morrison and Savage.”
Rico snorted. “Sorry to hear that.” When Evan’s eyebrows rose and he tilted his head, Rico shrugged. “Sorry, but Savage came into the bar one night—he thinks mighty highly of himself. I wasn’t impressed.”
Evan toasted him with his cup. “Well, then, that makes two of us. He is a bit of an ass, but you didn’t hear that from me.”
“Hear what?” he asked with a grin as he touched his cup to the one Evan held up.
They spent about two hours and another round of coffee, talking and getting to know each other on a more personal level. As much as he hated to end the night, Rico knew Evan needed to get some sleep if he had to be at work by six in the morning. “It’s getting late. Where did you park? I’ll walk you to your car.”
God help him, Evan licked his bottom lip before answering him. It stirred up the desire Rico tried to hold at bay all night. What he wouldn’t give to invite the other man back to his condo where they could spend hours pleasuring each other. But something in him said Evan was special, and the worst thing he could do was rush things and fall into bed with him for a quick fuck.
“We passed my truck on the way here.”
They tossed their empty cups into the trash by the door, then stepped out into the night. Their walk was in silence but not uncomfortable. Rico had the urge to reach over and grasp the other man’s hand in his, but he hesitated too long because Evan stopped next to a late model Chevrolet Colorado ZR2. “This is me.”
Rico eyed the vehicle. “Nice ride.”
When Evan didn’t make a move to get into the truck, Rico stepped toward him, forcing the man to back up until his ass hit the door. But Rico didn’t stop closing the distance until barely a breath separated them. He studied Evan’s face, making certain the man was okay with what was happening. He was relieved to see desire and need in those chocolate-brown eyes. Rico knew if he took one more step, smashing their bodies together, he wouldn’t be able to control himself. So, instead, he cupped Evan’s jaw, then leaned forward and brushed his lips over Evan’s. He wasn’t sure if the moan he heard had come from Evan or himself, but he didn’t care.
Rico caressed Evan’s lips again before pulling the upper one between his own. Evan’s mouth was soft and supple as Rico used his tongue to entice him into opening up. When Evan’s lips parted, Rico swept in for a taste. When he heard another moan, he knew it had come from Evan. Their tongues slid against eachother as they made out on the sidewalk, oblivious to anyone walking by. Evan settled his fists on Rico’s hips as if needing to touch him, but knowing if he opened his hands, he’d lose control and be all over him.
Reining in his passion, Rico gave Evan one last sweet kiss before releasing him. Ignoring his hard-on begging for relief, Rico took a step back, pleased to see Evan breathing heavily and licking his lips as if savoring Rico’s taste.
Rico was about to say he had a good time tonight, but then an idea occurred to him. “Do you have a tuxedo?”
He chuckled. “A tuxedo—you know, a penguin suit. You heard Scout and Alex talking about the gala for our friend’s art show this Saturday. I was told to bring a date, but I don’t have one. I thought maybe you’d like to go with me.”
When Evan pursed his lips and hesitated, Rico’s heart sank. But then Evan surprised him. “Um, I’d love to go, but I know absolutely nothing about art.”
“Who said I knew anything about it?” he asked with a smile. “I’m going because Rex is my friend. If anyone asks what you think about one of his paintings, just say you like the composition and the artist’s sense of balance. If there’s a contrast between light and dark, you can mention that too.”
Evan laughed. “Where did you learn that?”
“Rex told me all that before I went to his first show so I wouldn’t feel like an idiot. Scout is also a good person to stand next to—he understands all that shit better than I do, or at least he can fake it enough to sound like he does. Alex and I don’t stray far from him at art shows. If someone asks us something about a painting, we pawn the question off on Scout. We’ve gotten pretty good at it.”
“Well, then, yeah, I’m game. I’ve got a tux too. Splurged on one a few years ago after I had to keep renting one for award shows.”
Rico let his gaze roam down Evan’s body and back up again. “I bet you look hot in it too.”