My eyebrows raised. “Was that a common occurrence?”

She pressed her lips together and nodded.

“Do you know what she was doing?”

She paused and thought. “Warren had suspicions.”

I so badly wanted to ask what those were, but I refrained. She obviously didn’t want to say, and I could guess.

She let out a heavy breath. “I can tell you that Josephine was never satisfied with the life she lived here. Warren never made enough money, he wasn’t as ambitious as she thought he should be. She got them in a lot of debt opening credit cards and maxing them out under Warren’s name. He was close to declaring bankruptcy after the divorce, but thanks to Colorado’s economic boom, his business benefited and he managed to eke by. He almost has it all paid off now, including all the student loans he took out to help Sawyer through school.”

My head tilted. “Does Sawyer know that?”

She smiled and shook her head. “No. Warren never wanted him to know he didn’t have the money saved. He did what he had to do for him. He was so proud of Sawyer; he wanted to make sure all his dreams came true.”

I was so confused and a bit alarmed about all this info. “So, did Sawyer know that his parents were having problems? And how was Sawyer’s relationship with his mom back then? They seem close now.”

“I believe Warren did his best to hide any conflict from Sawyer. He wanted his boys to grow up in a stable environment. As far as Sawyer’s and Josephine’s relationship, I believe Josephine fawned over him. He was a superstar growing up, and she took great pride in that.”

“That makes sense. She still acts like that, but she wishes he showed off his success.”

“That doesn’t surprise me.”

“Thank you, Bridget. I promise to keep what you said confidential.”

“I’m not worried about it.” She gave me a wicked grin. “I know how you feel about Sawyer.”

I went to deny it, but something about her made me stop. I let out a huge breath. “Is it that obvious?”

“You’re having dinner with his estranged father without him. I would say that’s pretty obvious.”

“I guess so.” I tucked my feet under me. “It doesn’t matter though; he doesn’t feel the same way and we have some very odd connections that would make it awkward.”

She reached out and rested her warm hand on my knee. “I don’t think there would be anything awkward about it.”

I shrugged. “Regardless—”

“You’re fooling yourself if you don’t think he has feelings for you.”

I shook my head, not able to believe it. “You know, my mom set us up right before she died. We had the best phone calls ever.” My eyes began to tear up. “He even asked me out, but then my mom died and when he came to the funeral and we met face-to-face, he never asked me out again.”

She squeezed my knee, looking stumped. “Did you ever ask him why?”

“Now that would be really awkward, but I don’t have to ask, I know why. Look at me. I’m not exactly cover girl material. I’m the friend. The girl you down a pizza and pitcher of beer with while yelling loudly at the TV when your favorite team is acting like a bunch of idiots. I’ve been that way my entire life. Unless you count the polygamist who was more than willing to take me on as his fourth wife.”


“It’s a long story.”

“Emma, can I tell you something?”


“Take it from a woman who was never a size four, heck, not even a size six or eight—don’t let the size you wear devalue you. I did that for far too long. You know what that led to?”

I shook my head.

“A lot of bad relationships because I thought someone else would make me feel good about myself.”

“I do like myself.” So I worried about my weight from time to time. Who didn’t?

“I know you do; I can see it in your eyes. In the way you carry yourself. I hope that never changes. And I hope you don’t sell Sawyer short. You’re a beautiful woman inside and out.”

“Beautiful may be pushing it.”

“I think you should take a better look in the mirror and in Sawyer’s eyes.”

Believe me, I was well versed in those pretty babies and not once had they ever said, I want you, Emma.Chapter FifteenI stared up at the Saturn V rocket suspended above my head, trying to pay attention to the presenter droning on about scrap metal supplements and alternative iron making. Usually this stuff totally geeked me out and I had no problem paying attention, but I had a lot on my mind. Starting first with—was Josephine an adulteress? That was a funny word with a very ugly connotation. Would she cheat on my dad? Did she even love him? I knew she loved his bank account.