Popping open the lube, I break away from Grayson only long enough to coat two of my fingers. I reach behind myself and start prepping my own hole, still kissing Grayson but letting him take charge of it so I can focus on the prep. It takes him a moment, but once he realizes what I’m doing, he murmurs a soft rebuke against my mouth.
“Hey, I can do that.”
“Mm,” I hum, rubbing my face against his cheek like a damn dog.Seriously, why the fuck has nobody clued me in on how amazing facial hair feels?“But if you do it, you’ll take your time, and it’ll feel amazing and I’ll come the second you’re inside me. If I do it, we’ll get to the fun part quicker.”
He laughs. I catch the sound with my teeth and swallow it down, pleased when the kiss earns me a groan. His hands, resting on my thighs, grip me a little tighter.
“Foreplay is fun,” he argues.
“Next time.”
He concedes and we spend the next few minutes kissing languidly until I deem myself ready. When I sit up and look down at his face, I can already tell Grayson is going to argue.
“Are you sure?—"
“Yes.” I reach for the lube and add a healthy layer to his dick. “I’ve done this before. I’m not a virgin, you know.”
He gives me a disbelieving look. “You’ve donethisbefore,” he repeats pointedly.
“Okay, no. But toys—yes.” Glancing down at his dick, which is unmistakably larger than any sex toy I’ve ever used, I sigh. “I’ll go slow. Like—really, really slow.”
“And if it hurts, stop,” he says seriously.
“You’re cute when you worry,” I tell him, smiling down at his scrunched-up, angsty face. He rolls his eyes and pats the side of my hip. I take this for the obviousmove it alongthat it is, and start to get myself into position.
I falter a couple of times, but Grayson gently directs me into place. He’s silent and watchful, blue eyes so sharp on my face I can practically feel it. He’s watching for nerves, or panic, or pain. He’s watching for me to decide this is too much, too fast, and we need to stop. I’m not nervous, though. I’m turned on and practically shivering with anticipation.Thisis the feeling I’ve been chasing.
My confidence lasts all of thirty seconds. The moment I’ve got him positioned and his cock pushes past the tight ring of muscle, I realize exactly how much bigger he is than anything I’m used to. But my mom didn’t raise a quitter, so I work on slowing my breathing as I sink a little lower on him. I don’t need to guide him anymore, so I plant both hands on his broad shoulders and drop down half an inch.
The pressure is fucking insane and I can’t help the way my breath hisses out of me. Grayson, who’s watching me like a hawk, immediately clamps his hands around the backs of my thighs and keeps me from going any further. I look at him, ready to say something witty and hilarious, but get distracted by the way his face is flushed and his eyes are a bright, vividblue.
Every single time I look at him, I question what sort of genetic lottery he won to be born looking like that.
“That hurt,” he says. “You probably need more prep. Or lube.”
“Or maybe the giant six-seven hockey player has a giant dick,” I point out. His lips twitch like he wants to smile, and his grip loosens. I’m able to sink lower on him. This time I’m relaxed enough to get enough of him inside to reach my prostate.Oh, hallelujah,I think, closing my eyes and groaning.
“Am I hurting your shoulders?” I pant, suddenly feeling a little out of breath, like he’s somehow constricting my lungs.
“No,” he answers swiftly. And thank god for that, because moving my hands to the bed would mean no longer touching him. Fuck that.
When he finally bottoms out inside me, I give myself a little break—eyes closed and breathing heavy. I swear I can feel him somewhere in the vicinity of my diaphragm. Grayson rubs his hands over my thighs, calluses scratching across my skin and catching on my leg hair. When I give a little experimental roll of my hips, both of us groan.
“Holy shit,” I gasp, moving one hand only to plant it lower down on his chest.
Grayson opens his mouth, but I cut the words off with my mouth on his and another slow rock of the hips. Fucking hell, no wonder people are obsessed with this. I feel indescribably full, stretched in the best possible way. Picking up the pace a little bit, I continue rolling my pelvis against his. He’s no longer holding my legs, but has both hands buried in my hair as he tastes me with his tongue.
When we reach the point where we need a break from kissing, I plant my hands back on his pecs and start ridinghim in earnest. Lifting myself almost completely off of him, I drop down unceremoniously. I can’t wrap my mind around how good this feels—every brush against my prostate is lighting me up like a Christmas tree, and the pressure that had been almost too much before, now feels incomparable to anything I’ve ever experienced. I lift myself up again, but this time Grayson follows, pegging me from below.
“Oh fuck,” I moan, gasping and dropping my head back.
Correctly interpreting that as me wanting him to rail me, he grips my hips to hold me aloft. I fall forward somewhat, locking my elbows to keep from collapsing right on top of him as he hits my prostate relentlessly. Sweat prickles my scalp, and every inch of my body feels awash with electricity and heat. I’m partially aware of nonsense words falling out of my mouth, but I’m too high on my own pleasure to care about forming them into coherent sentences.
I come without warning, gasping and falling forward as Grayson continues to pump his hips upward and stimulate my prostate. The grunting and the slap of skin on skin is so unbelievably erotic, I almost wonder if I’ll be able to rebound before Grayson even comes. I’m halfway there when he spasms through his own, filling the condom and slowly bringing us to a stop.
I want so badly to collapse on top of him. The only thing keeping me upright is the sight of him below me—hot and sweaty, with my cum in all that sexy chest hair. I lean down to kiss him, ignoring the slight twinge from my ass as I do. He puts a hand on the back of my head, keeping my face where it is and kissing me breathless again.
I shift forward enough for him to slide out of me, leaving me with a strange, empty feeling. I’m about five seconds away from collapse, so I give him one last peck, swingmy leg over, and stretch out on my back beside him. Brushing an arm across my damp forehead, I take a deep inhale and smile as I let it out.