“That guy, as you so call him,” he spits, stalking me across the room, “is the biggest pain in my ass, my arch-fucking-nemesis.”
“Okay, I’m sorry to hear that. But I’ve never met anyone by that name,” I try to pacify him. He’s backed me up against the wall and it’s making me panic. My heart beats wildly against my ribs, threatening to escape this room, with or without me.
“You fucking lying bitch,” he grits out. “After I gave you a chance, trained you to do your job, paid you above and beyond what you deserve…you lie to me like that? You betray me like that?”
“Carlo, I really have no idea…”
I never finish the sentence because his big, meaty palm lashes out and slaps me across the face. My vision goes dark for just a second and pain radiates across my cheekbone. I instinctively reach up, feeling blood dripping down my face.
I stare at his thick gold ring stupidly. The ring that just cut my skin. The hand that just smashed into my face.
“Get the fuck out of my bar,” he spits at me, throwing the door open. “I never want to see you in here again.”
Shocked, I slip out the door. He slams it closed, making me nearly jump out of my skin.
I press myself against the wall in the dark hallway for a minute, trying to still my crazed heart. Music thumps from the main room, lights swirl and flash, everything makes me feel like I’m spinning and twirling through hell.
I lean over and throw up, right there in front of Carlo’s door.
Chapter Seventeen
“That was a fucking waste of my time,” I growl, storming out of the basement.
Vince and Al trail behind me, exchanging looks. They’re probably judging me, already deciding I’m not as good as my father.
Fuck it, let them judge me.
I stop at the elevator and punch the wall instead of pressing the button. My insides roil, burning hot full of rage and frustration.
The animalistic side of me is slowly taking over, making me act unhinged. Al takes one look at me and turns around, walking back the way he came.
Vince isn’t so easily scared. He approaches me cautiously, reaching past my shaking hand to press the elevator button.
“Cigarette?” He offers me the pack, and I smack his hand away, sending it flying across the floor. The elevator dings open, and I march inside, trying to steady my breath.
I clench and unclench my fingers. I breathe in through my nose. Nothing helps.
Vince calmly walks over and picks up the pack of cigarettes. I watch him, momentarily fascinated by how serene he seems.
He joins me in the elevator, pulling out a smoke and selecting the parking level. My blood pressure drops just watching his slow mannerisms.
He lights the cigarette and passes it to me. I snatch it, inhaling deeply, and blow the smoke out.
“You need to stay calm, Rafael,” he finally says as the doors open. I follow him to my car, puffing angrily at the cigarette. “Remember, we need information, not more dead men.”
“What was I supposed to do?” I cry, tossing the cigarette butt on the ground. “Pat his back and thank him for giving me fucking nothing?”
I’d spent another two hours beating the shit out of our mystery warehouse guy this evening, but he stayed silent. Not a word left his lips—no names, no motive, nothing. I finally shot him in a haze of fury, a bullet straight to the brain, and stormed out.
Vince slips into the driver’s seat and motions for me to get in. I slide in beside him, screwing my eyes shut, trying to get a hold of myself.
“No,” he finally concedes. “That was our one lead, though. Now we’re back to square one.”
We pull out of the parking garage in silence. I think about what my father would have done. Would he have shot that man? Would he have tried again another day, using another method?
I glance down at myself, covered in a stranger’s blood. Exhaustion hits me, seeping into my bones. I don’t care what my father would have done.All I want is a hot shower and Lux’s arms wrapped around me.