Page 24 of Deceitful Oath

I spot Dominic by the front door, already waiting for me. He’s wearing a chambray button-down with the sleeves rolled up, soft grey pants, and brown leather loafers. His dark wavy hair is artfully brushed back, looking just a little bit wild.

A thrill shoots down my spine at how delectable he looks, my pussy already warming up for him. I scold myself, reminding it I have to work tonight. He beams, a giant grin spreading across his face when he spots me walking toward him.

He sweeps me up in his arms, twirling me around, right in the middle of midtown as bankers and lawyers take their lunch breaks. Some give us the side eye, others smile. It feels like I’ve been plucked from my gritty life of survival and plopped into a romance novel.

He eases me down on the sidewalk and kisses me, his lips soft and welcoming against mine. It feels like home. How can that be? I just met the man.

We stroll into the restaurant and slip into a booth. As we peruse our menus, our bodies seem to gravitate to each other. By the time the waitress comes, he’s right beside me, his hand protectively resting on my thigh.

The next few hours pass by in a blur of interesting conversation, way too many tacos, and a few secret kisses.

I can’t get enough of his touch and by the time we exit the cantina, I’m riding on a heady high. The sunshine blinds us, and we laugh, falling against each other.

“Wolf, I really like hanging out with you,” I tell him, using his last name as a term of endearment. He gazes down at me, smiling softly.

“Me too,” he says, leaning down to kiss me. “Even more than I thought possible.”

We make out shamelessly in the middle of the sidewalk, the streets empty at this time of day. Soon, midtown will be a chaotic mess of people trying to get home from work. But for now, it’s our own little slice of paradise.

I finally pull back, my lips tingling and protesting. “I need to get home to change for work.”

He sighs, running his fingers through my loose curls, and puts his forehead to mine. His dark eyes, flecked with specks of gold, mesmerize me.

“I know,” he says finally. “I have a lot to do tonight as well.”

I nod as he pulls away. “Let me walk you to your car.”

“It’s just right there,” I say, pointing to my little red eyesore.

“I still want to.” He grins, slipping my hand into his. We stroll half a block to my car, hand in hand, and life feels good for the first time in years.

“I want to cook dinner for you,” he says as we get to my car. “Are you free later this week?”

My night shifts at The Velvet Room make meeting for dinner a little tough.

“I work nights at the bar,” I say hesitantly, “but if you don’t mind eating dinner at two a.m.…”

“I don’t,” he says, grinning down at me. “I’ll even help you deliver packages the next morning if we stay up too late.”

His wink sends bolts of electricity through my core and memories of last night flood my mind. I wouldn’t mind repeating that. Not at all.

With a final kiss, I climb into my car and head home. I know I’m getting ahead of myself. The crash and burn will be painful if this ends badly, but I can’t stop. I spend the rest of the evening with my head in the clouds, daydreaming about Dominic.

Please, universe. I’m begging you. Let him be a good one.

Chapter Nine


I’m vaguely nervous waiting for Lux to arrive. I drop the spatula twice before I force myself to take a few deep breaths and calm down.

She’s been on my mind twenty-four-seven since the night at the bar, clouding my thinking. I try to focus on the goal: get revenge for my father’s death.She’s the killer, I tell myself.

But my brain refuses to cooperate. Instead, I see her warm sapphire eyes, her radiant smile, and the soft curves of her body every time I close my eyes.

The voices telling me to destroy her get drowned out by her soft laugh, her heady moans, the way she calls me Wolf like it’s a cute nickname.

The elevator dings and I hear her heels on the marble floor. I take a deep, grounding breath and put the spatula down.