Kinsley popped her cute head in. “You have a visitor.”

I looked at my phone; it was already ten. Late for a visitor, unless it was Brock. My heart ticked up. “Who is it?”


I was equal parts disappointed it wasn’t Brock and nervous to see my mother-in-law. I’d had no contact with her other than the lovely bouquet of white roses she had sent me. I had no idea what she knew and didn’t know. Did she hate me now?

I sat up straight and placed my cards to the side. “Let her in,” I stuttered. I was so glad I was clean and my teeth were brushed.

Kinsley opened the door to reveal Sheridan waiting for me, looking as elegant as ever in a black turtleneck, camel dress pants, and leather pumps. But something was off. Her eyes were troubled, and her normally smiling face was downcast. She pulled Kinsley in for a hug. “It’s so nice to see you again. Please, don’t be a stranger.”

Kinsley caught my eye while in Sheridan’s embrace, not sure what to say. I could tell she felt awkward, given how she had once felt for Brant and probably still did, though Tristan was doing his best to make Kinsley forget all about her feelings for Brant. Kinsley patted Sheridan’s back and said, “It’s nice to see you too.”

Sheridan leaned away and took a good look at Kinsley, and longing for what could have been filled Sheridan’s eyes, though she didn’t verbally express it. Instead, she gave Kinsley a weak smile before she set her sights on me.

Kinsley quickly scooted out the door, shutting it as she went and leaving me alone with one of the kindest women I had ever known. I prayed she was still that woman in regard to me.

“Hi.” I didn’t know what else to say.

“Hello,” she said quietly, studying me. “I hope you don’t mind me dropping by unannounced. I thought we should talk.”

I bit my lip. “Um, sure.” I pulled my legs up to my chest. “I’m sorry, I don’t have a chair.” I was pretty much a minimalist . . . more like mostly broke. Furniture had never been high on my list of priorities. Except, I supposed I could have a houseful of fine furniture if I wanted. All I had to do was return to Brock’s house. I wondered how Brock was faring in the house tonight, all alone when his demons came out to haunt him. I would have to worry about that later.

“No chair is necessary.” Sheridan approached my bed and sat next to me. She immediately rested her manicured hand on my cheek. “Oh, my darling girl.” Her voice hitched.

I naturally leaned into her hand.

“How are you feeling?”

“Honestly, I’m not sure.”

She patted my cheek before dropping her hand. “Yes, I remember those excruciating days after every baby I lost.”

My eyes widened. “You miscarried?”

“More times than I like to think about. Though I remember each one. All five to be exact.”

“I had no idea. I’m so sorry.”

She patted my knee. “It wasn’t something we really talked about during those days. But each time I felt as if I had lost a part of myself.”

I nodded. “I feel that way too. More like all of myself.”

She gave me a thoughtful look. “You have some extenuating circumstances, don’t you?”

I pulled my knees tighter against me. “What do you know?”

Her blue eyes filled with tears. “More than I want to. I’m not even sure I know who I married. I can’t believe he blackmailed you.” Her elegant hands balled up.

I handed her a tissue from my nightstand. Kinsley had kept me stocked.

She took the tissue and dabbed her eyes. “I hope you know I had no idea. I figured you were pregnant, but I didn’t say anything because Brock is a private person and I knew you would tell me when you were both ready. And honestly, I was just so happy you two were finally getting married.” She looked at the door, I think to make sure it was closed, before she lowered her voice. “But I didn’t know about Brant and you.”

My face and body flushed red. I looked up at the ceiling, so embarrassed. “You must think I’m a terrible person.”

She took my hand. “On the contrary; I think you are very brave.”

I wouldn’t call myself brave. I met her watery eyes. “We didn’t mean to. It was—”

“You don’t need to explain yourself to me. You were consenting adults with no attachments to anyone. Which I think bothers Brock more than anything. He knows he gave you no reason to hold on to him. And quite honestly, I would have been happy if you ended up with either one of my boys.”

“Brant and I don’t love each other like that.”

“I know. The boys told me everything.”

“Everything?” I whispered.