“This looks and smells amazing,” Aspen said to me, rubbing her belly. “Baby boy must be hungry. That or he just loves kicking me in the ribs for no reason.”
I couldn’t wait to be kicked by my baby. And I wished I could speak to Aspen about my own pregnancy. Ask for her advice. But I still had to guard my secret. “Your due date is in two weeks, right?”
“Yes,” she breathed a sigh of relief. “This kid needs to vacate before the holidays.”
“Help yourselves, everyone,” Brock chimed in. “A big thank you to Kinsley for the food.”
“It smells divine, darling,” Tristan crooned at Kinsley in his seductive British accent.
Kinsley blushed and tossed her blonde hair like a supermodel. “I hope you like it.”
“Believe me, I will,” Tristan wooed her with his words.
This was good. Very good. Ariana gave me a covert wink in regard to our baby sister.
While our guests dished up their food, Whitney entertained us with her vast knowledge of dinosaurs. “Did you know that a Dromiceiomimus could run over forty miles per hour?”
I knew I didn’t. I wasn’t even sure I could say Dromiceiomimus. Definitely couldn’t spell it. I was pretty sure no one at the table but Whitney could. When no one knew that, her pretty eyes lit up, and she smoothed her brown hair, ready to regale us with more knowledge. “Well, we also don’t know how dinosaurs mated. Can you believe that? I’m going to be the first person to find out.”
The adults all snickered. Sweet Chloe blushed. Little Henry scrunched his button nose. “Mated?”
Did I mention how adorable an English accent was coming out of a child?
“Why do you want to know how they got mates?” Henry was so confused. To him, “mate” meant something entirely different.
Miles chuckled, picked him up, and set him on his lap. “Listen here, chap, we’ll have a good talk about this when we get home.”
Jonah placed his arm around Whitney and kissed her head. “Maybe we can talk about dinosaur mating habits later.”
“Okay, fine,” she sighed dramatically. “But you do not realize how important this is.”
I seriously loved that girl. She was going to rule the world one day.
“I will give it my full attention at home,” Jonah assured her.
“I still don’t get it.” Henry climbed off Miles’s lap and retook his seat.
Having children around was just what the doctor ordered. I needed their comic relief and innocence.
Conversation flowed easily while we indulged. Tristan was quite curious about us all. He was especially intrigued with Ariana’s story, which was a welcome relief for me, and I was sure for Brock also. It was one thing to have to be interviewed by a news crew; it was another to have to relive the details in your own home. Though, he did that too, most every night. He was always running, always trying to save me and his friends—Asadi, his Afghan counterpart, and Nicholas, the soldier they had initially misidentified as Brock.
“So you mean to tell me you received a letter annually from a man who you thought was your father, but it was truly your grandfather, who had kept your birth a secret from his son for thirty-five years?” Tristan was astonished by Ariana’s history.
Ariana set her glass down. “That about sums it up.”
Tristan smiled at Miles. “Mate, I think you might have the makings of a good story here.”
Miles laughed. “Perhaps.”
“I would want half the royalties,” Ariana teased.
“Now, now, love.” Tristan wagged his finger. “Negotiation is the name of the game.” He turned to Kinsley and gazed adoringly at her. “Speaking of negotiation, may I negotiate a date with you?”
Wow. He was bold. I liked it. It was exactly what Kinsley needed.
Kinsley tucked some hair behind her ear as her cheeks pinked. “I’d like that.”
“Smashing.” The Brit kissed her cheek before turning to the rest of us. “Nothing to see here. Carry on.”
Jonah stood and held up his glass of wine, in Jonah fashion. “I would like to make a toast.” Of course he would. He was known for his toasts. “To my wife, Ariana, the most interesting and beautiful woman I know.” If he weren’t so lovable and sincere, I might have chucked a breadstick at his head all in the name of jealousy.
Ariana rolled her eyes, though her smile said she was eating it up.
Jonah set his sights on Miles and Aspen’s family. “To the Wickhams—it has been an honor to get to know you. May your growing family continue to be blessed with health and happiness.” He then set his sights on Kinsley and Tristan. “To new possibilities.” He wagged his brows, making everyone laugh. That was, until he looked between me and Brock. “Last, but certainly not least, to our hosts. Thank you for the lovely evening. Many of us feared we would never have these moments,” his voice choked up. Brock was one of his closest friends. They had gone through medical school together and had done their residencies at the same time. Jonah was heartbroken, like all of us, when we had received the news that Brock had died. “But miracle of miracles,” he rallied, “we didn’t have to say goodbye. I know I speak for all when I say, it’s good to see you two together at last . . . and forever.”