“Had amazing sex? Yes.”
I playfully smacked his arm.
“What? It’s not like they won’t know why we’re late.”
“You’re not making me feel better.”
“I’d be happy to make you feel better.” His sexy undertones weren’t lost on me.
“I’m sure you would be, and I look forward to that . . . later.” I threw up the visor. “Let’s go.”
“Wait.” He tugged on my arm. “I want to give you something.”
My brow quirked.
“Not that. Now who has the dirty mind?” He chuckled.
I shifted my body toward him, giving him my full attention.
“I planned on doing this in a more romantic setting, and before we made love for the first time, but you surprised me tonight.”
My cheeks flushed. Not because I was embarrassed—because it was perfect.
Brock reached into his pocket and pulled out the small velvet black box I’d been keeping in my nightstand drawer. “I hope you don’t mind; I took this back because I wanted to give it to you the right way. The way I should have a long time ago.”
Tears welled in my eyes. “I don’t mind at all.”
With a smile, he opened the box, and there shone my ring, brighter than I remembered in the light of the lamppost.
“Dani,” his voice broke with the sweetest emotion, “please be my wife.”
“I am your wife.” I loved saying that.
He carefully took the ring out and delicately slid it onto my finger before pulling it up to kiss it. “I love you.”
I stared down at my ring. It felt so different from the one he had placed on my finger the day we had wed. Though it was smaller, there was no dollar amount high enough to explain how much it was worth. How much it meant to me. The only words I could think of were, “I love you.”
“If you want, we can renew our vows. I want to give you the wedding you deserve.”
“You know those kinds of things don’t matter to me.”
“I know. It’s one of the reasons I love you so much. However, I do insist that I take you on a honeymoon.”
“If you insist.” I grinned.
“Turks and Caicos Islands for News Year’s sound good to you?”
“Very good.” I kissed his lips.
He rested his hand on my cheek. “I need to tell you something else before we go in.” His tone became more serious, making me anxious.
“Is everything okay?”
“There’s nothing to worry about. It’s just Jonah called me earlier today and . . . Ariana is pregnant,” he said, gently.
I blinked back the tears. I knew it shouldn’t, but it felt like a punch to my gut. I was happy for my sister, truly I was. But, it was a reminder of the pregnancy I’d lost.
“Ariana has been afraid to tell you.”
That made me feel worse. A few rogue tears escaped.
Brock lovingly wiped them off my cheek. “I know this can’t be easy for you, and this in no way will ever replace Charlotte, but I want you to know that when you feel ready—physically and emotionally—I would love nothing more than to make a baby with you.”
I rubbed my chest and the pearl necklace where it sat under my sweater. For some reason, I couldn’t go a day without wearing it. It was like an amulet, granting me comfort. “I’m happy for Ariana and Jonah,” I responded, numbly. “Any baby would be lucky to have them as parents.”
“Dani,” he tenderly spoke my name. “Our babies will be lucky to call you Mommy.”
“What if I never get pregnant again or I have another miscarriage?” It had been a constant worry ever since I’d lost the baby.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. We’ll adopt a dozen kids and become foster parents, like you’ve always wanted to.”
“Yes. You don’t mind if I want to help you save the world, do you?”
That sounded like a dream to me. “Not at all.”
“One kid at a time, right?”
“Right,” I whispered.
He kissed my nose. “Let’s go wish our best friends well. Then we’ll make plans for our own family, however that’s going to look.”
I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath. “Okay.”
“Are you all right?” he asked so tenderly.
“Yes,” I answered honestly now that the initial shock had worn off. Ariana deserved my happiness. And I loved her for being so sensitive to my feelings, though I felt bad that she felt like she couldn’t tell me herself. I wondered how long she had been keeping it secret. I was going to find out and be there for her, the way she had always been there for me.
Brock and I walked into Jonah and Ariana’s home, hand in hand, to the stares and poorly hidden snickers of our friends and family. Yes, we were late because we were having sex. Finally.
Everyone was gathered around the large fresh-cut pine tree in the great room, already decorating it. I didn’t blame them for not waiting on us. We were quite late.