It was a lovely courtship ritual in my book. There was something wonderful about sharing your bed with someone whose only intentions were to intimately get to know you. There were so many deeper ways to know someone other than sex.

I thought our society had somehow forgotten that. It made sense, since we were a society of quick fixes and no patience. We tended to think lots of sex led to better relationships, instead of working on the relationship part first. My grandma once told me that the best sex happens when you and your partner have been together for so long that sex is always an exclamation mark in your relationship, never a question mark. I liked that. It’s what I wanted with Jonah when the time came. Lots and lots of exclamation marks. If only we could get there.

I untangled myself from Jonah long enough to reach for a sugar cookie, and then I was right back in his arms, enjoying another sugar rush at six in the morning.

“We should probably hide the cookies. I don’t think Whitney would approve of our breakfast choice.”

Jonah chuckled. “Maybe someday we can convince her to come over to the dark side.”

I broke off a piece of cookie and shoved it in his mouth. “Are you sure me being here isn’t going to cause an uproar? I don’t want to ruin Whitney’s Christmas.”

He chewed and swallowed before answering, “You not being here would ruin it for her. And I promise my parents and Eliza will be on their best behavior. If not, I’ll show them the door.”

“Okay,” I said uneasily.

“Trust me.” He sat up. “I want you to open one of your gifts before everyone wakes up.”

I tugged on his shirt. “How about you stay here on the couch with me?” I wanted to enjoy our alone time before the firing squad was awake and aiming their sights on me.

“I promise I’ll be right back.” He winked.

I watched him carefully search through the plethora of gifts until he found a slender white box with a gold bow on it. If I didn’t know better, I would think it contained long-stemmed roses. But Jonah knew I was more of a wildflower or sunflower kind of woman.

“Those dinosaur PJs look sexy on you, by the way,” I let him know. I had insisted that we change into our Christmas pajamas when we arrived at his house. I had also pulled my hair up and washed my face. The mascara-stained eyes were frightful this morning.

He was back to me in no time, smiling, with gift in hand. “I was thinking I would wear these in the office. I think they work well with the earring,” he teased.

I laughed. “Make sure you wear your shirt unbuttoned so they can see your henna tattoo. Or has it faded away yet?”

“I think you just want me to unbutton my shirt.”

I leaned toward him. “If you really want to, I wouldn’t be opposed to it,” I playfully replied, though I was serious.

“How about you open your present first and then I’ll show you your handiwork?”

“You drive a hard bargain, but okay.”

He handed me my gift.

I set it on my lap, curious about the contents, and lifted the lid. He had asked me what I wanted for Christmas, like, ten times, and my response was always, “Something from your heart.” But I wasn’t at all expecting what was beneath the glittery tissue.

I picked up the embroidered lace umbrella and admired it, but it was what was under it that brought me to tears. A simple, hand-written note from Jonah that read, To my Jo, I offer you my love and protection. From your Professor Bhaer.

I placed the umbrella back in the box and threw my arms around Jonah. “Thank you. This is the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever been given. You are—”

“Good morning,” Eliza interrupted us.

With my arms still around Jonah, I whipped my head toward the staircase Eliza seemed to be gliding down, looking way too good for this early in the morning. She was wearing red silk pajamas that, while they didn’t show any skin, showed exactly how perfectly curvy her body was. And she was wearing makeup, whereas I was fresh-faced with only some moisturizer on.

I released Jonah and settled next to him while he put a protective arm around me. “Good morning,” he replied stiffly.

I put the lid back on the box, not wanting to share it with anyone. Especially her, since she was, you know, married to my boyfriend not all that long ago, and she wasn’t exactly my favorite person.

“I am sorry to interrupt you.” She finished descending the stairs and made her way to us. “I heard voices and I was hoping you were here, Ariana.”

Why? So she could humiliate me some more? Or maybe she had some sixth sense and knew Jonah was going to take his shirt off for me and she wanted to prevent me from enjoying myself.