“I think maybe once.” I stood and shook his hand. “I’m Ariana.”

Jonah stood too.

“And this is Jonah.”

Jonah shook both Shelby’s and Ryder’s hands. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Shelby’s lit-up eyes looked between Jonah and me. “Your grandma said when she was in the boutique that your beau had moved back to town. How nice.”

I was going to have words with my grandma later.

Jonah put his arm around me. “Best decision I ever made.”

Ryder, who seemed to read the vibe Jonah was putting off, started pulling his wife away. “It was nice to meet y’all. Shelby, darlin’, let’s get our seats up front.”

I felt Jonah relax next to me. We were just about to take our seats when another group of people walked in.

“Is that Taron Taylor?” Jonah gazed at Miles Wickham like he was a large bag of lime-flavored Skittles.

“Yes,” Shelby answered happily, “but we just call him Miles.”

“I’ve read all his books.” I was pretty sure Jonah was about to fanboy.

“Then we better introduce y’all.” Shelby went into Southern hospitality mode. She waved over the two couples, both of whom I knew. Emma and Sawyer King and Miles and Aspen Wickham. I didn’t know Jonah was such a fan of Taron Taylor. If I’d known, I would have mentioned he and his wife had taken a class at the studio before.

Shelby introduced everyone to Jonah, but Jonah only had eyes for the British author. “I’m a huge fan of your work.” Jonah vigorously shook Miles’s hand. “I finished Ascending Stones last month and it was brilliant.”

“Thanks, mate,” Miles responded. “I always love to meet fans.”

“I’m your biggest one,” Jonah bragged.

Aspen, Miles’s wife, leaned on her husband, patting his chest. “I think I might disagree with you on that account.”

Everyone around us laughed, including Jonah.

“I’ll take second biggest.” Jonah wasn’t deterred.

“Sold,” Miles teased. “So, tell me what you do, Jonah.” The famous author was awfully generous.

“I’m a doctor of internal medicine for a clinic in Pine Falls,” Jonah replied.

“Really?” Miles seemed interested. “I’m actually working on a medical thriller, and I would love to pick your brain sometime, if you’re amenable.”

Jonah’s face lit up like Whitney had just used three contractions in a row and called him Daddy. “Absolutely. Let me get you my card.” Jonah reached into his pocket.

Meanwhile, Emma King got my attention. “It’s so nice to see you again, Ariana. How’s business going for you?”

I scooted out of the row so I could better converse with Emma while Jonah and Miles struck up a friendship. “It’s been really busy, but good. How is your dad and your little ones?” She’d had twins earlier in the year.

“Our babies are perfect. Still keeping us up all hours of the night, but we couldn’t be happier. My dad is in grandpa heaven. He bought my children actual ponies for Christmas this year. It’s all downhill for them now. Sawyer and I can’t top that.”

Sawyer turned from talking to Ryder. “Did you say my name, babe?”

“I was just telling Ariana that we are doomed to be second best in the eyes of our children.”

Sawyer wrapped his arm around his wife. “You’ll always be number one in my book. We better go get our seats. Jenna and Brad are waving us to come up.” They were the cutest couple.

“It was nice to see you both,” I commented before they moved to the front with the Prescotts.

That left me standing and smiling at Jonah, who was animatedly using his hands while talking to Miles and Aspen. I was happy to see him so happy. When he took a breath, he noticed I had moved from his side. I loved that he paused and reached out his hand to me. I returned to his side and took his hand.

“I’m sorry,” Jonah apologized to Miles and Aspen. “I’m keeping you from your friends.”

Miles held out his hand to shake Jonah’s. “It’s been a pleasure, mate, I’ll be in touch after the holidays.”

Jonah gave Miles’s hand a good shake. “I look forward to it.”

The couple waved goodbye to us and we took our seats once again. The club was starting to fill up.

Jonah was buzzing next to me. “I can’t believe I met Taron Taylor tonight. He’s a top five author for me.”

“It’s a big night for you. I’m happy for you.”

“You’re teasing me.” Jonah slid his arm across my shoulders.

“I really am happy for you. I just didn’t know you had a man crush on Taron Taylor. Though he is very attractive.” That accent would do anyone in.

Jonah’s lips pursed. “Better looking than me?”

“Not to me.” I leaned in and kissed his cheek.

Satisfied with my answer, Jonah pulled me closer to him. “What did you want to tell me?”

I looked around and not only was the club getting more crowded, but music began thumping in the background. It was getting to the point where we would have to raise our voices just to hear each other.