I nudged Jonah with my hip. “As much as I adore Whitney, there is something to be said about being alone with her father.”

“Are you sure? You were quiet during dinner.”

“I wasn’t quiet. I was enthralled with a day in the life of Dr. Adkinson. It’s not every day a seventy-year-old woman hits on you. I told you that earring was sexy.” I laughed, thinking about Jonah’s tale of the older woman telling him he would make a great fourth husband for her.

Jonah wrapped his arm around me and squeezed. “I told her I was saving myself for someone special.”

“Is that so?”

“Most definitely.” He kissed my head. “But . . . you were quiet during dinner. Did something happen in therapy today?”

I had been waiting for Jonah to bring up my therapy session. I knew it was probably a great segue into talking about my feelings, which I was awful at. But I was taking courage from Dr. Morales’s words today. I wasn’t helpless. If I wanted saving, I was going to have to do it myself. “It was a good session, but I do want to talk to you about something.”

Jonah stopped and peered down at me concerned. “Should I be worried?”

I bit my lip. “Maybe.”

He went pale. “Are you breaking up with me?”

“I didn’t know we were going steady.” I smiled.

He pulled me off to the side. My back ended up against a sandwich shop’s brick wall. Jonah’s body was dangerously close, shielding me from the cold. Passersby probably thought we were getting too cozy for public. I rested my hand on his chest.

“Ariana,” he whispered, “whatever it is, we can work on it together. And if you need me to ask you to be my girlfriend, I will. I just assumed.”

“Jonah,” I rubbed my hand across his wool coat. “I’m not asking you for a title and I’m not ‘breaking up’ with you. I just need to tell you how I feel about some things.”

The creases in his forehead smoothed while he let out a breath of relief. “But you want to be my girlfriend, right?”

“Will that make you feel better?” I couldn’t hide the smile in my voice.

“It’s a start.”

I supposed we should start somewhere. It was a big step for me. I hadn’t had a boyfriend since Kaden. “Maybe you should hear what I have to say before you decide if you want me to be your girlfriend. Does girlfriend sound juvenile?” I wasn’t sure what one should call someone at this age.

“I can think of a much more mature title I would love for you to have.” He brushed my cheek. “But I see by the color draining from your face we have a ways to go before we get there.”

“Uh,” I squeaked, trying to catch my breath. Wow, was he bold. It wasn’t bad. In fact, I wished I could be so certain. I was working on it, which brought me back to that conversation we needed to have. “Why don’t we talk when we get to the comedy club. I have a feeling we’re garnering a lot of attention. I wouldn’t be surprised if we ended up on some social media posts.”

He leaned down and brushed my lips. “I would be happy to give people something to post about.”

I pushed against his chest. “Dr. Adkinson, I don’t think that would be in your best interest.”

“I suppose you’re right.” He reached down and took my hand. “Let’s go sort out your feelings together.”

Together. I liked that.Chapter Twenty-OneJonah and I slipped into the back row of the comedy club, hoping to have a bit more privacy before it filled up. I’d never been here when it wasn’t a full house. Tonight, they were doing sketch comedy, and the hilarious owners, Brad and Jenna, were headlining. Weird that people I went to high school with could draw such a crowd. I looked around the club decorated in movie memorabilia and spied a Rocky poster. I pointed at it for Jonah’s benefit.

“I like this place already.” He slung his arm across my chair. “What would you like to talk about?”


“Ariana, is that you?” A heavy Southern drawl interrupted me.

I turned around to see Shelby Prescott and her husband walking toward us. They could win a pageant for most gorgeous couple. I swore it was like an invisible spotlight shone directly on them. And Shelby, with her locks of gold, looked like a fan was blowing on her, strategically making her hair bounce perfectly. They were dressed to kill in clothes that showed off their amazing figures. I supposed I could thank her for helping me look presentable tonight in my skinny jeans and mint duster cardigan, seeing as the clothes came from her store.

Shelby, in all her Southerness, was to me in no time, taking the seat next to me and hugging me. “Darlin’, you look absolutely fabulous.” She kissed my cheek. “I told your grandma that this outfit would be perfect on you.” She stood and grabbed her husband’s hand. “I don’t know if you’ve met my husband, Ryder.”