My brow popped. “That sounds illegal.”

I laughed while he sputtered, “I meant . . .” He sighed. “Hell, I’m rusty at this.”

“It’s okay.” I rested my hand on his chest. “I get what you’re saying.”

Thankfully, Whitney came out and saved us from our awkward selves. She looked adorable in the outfit from the window display. I jumped up and went to her, straightening the pink beanie on her head. “You look beautiful. What do you think?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “The jeans feel funny.”

I looked down at them. I thought they looked great, but I asked, “Are they too big?”

“No. I’ve never worn jeans before.”

I didn’t dare look at Jonah. I didn’t know there were any kids in America who hadn’t worn jeans at least once. “Well, I think they look perfect on you.”

Jonah joined us and knelt next to his daughter. “I love it. I love you.” You could hear in the timbre of his voice that he hoped with all he had that Whitney knew that.

Whitney’s face shone. “Okay. I think we should buy the outfit.” She went to turn around but stopped mid turn and faced back toward us. “Dad, I love you too.”

Jonah was a puddle of goo after that. I had a feeling he didn’t hear those words often from her, which broke my heart. It’s probably why we came out of Charlotte’s with five bags. Jonah didn’t even bat an eye at the $1500 price tag. I about threw up in my mouth over it. We lived in different worlds. Which was another concern, but one that would have to wait for another day.

Whitney had one more surprise for us that night. She stopped us in front of one of those tween jewelry stores. “Tabitha has pierced ears,” she said out of the blue.

Jonah pressed his lips together as if he wasn’t sure what he should say.

I nudged him and tugged on my pierced ear, hoping he would get the hint.

He stared blankly at me, totally not getting it.

I guessed it was up to me. “Honey, do you want to get your ears pierced?”

Jonah stepped back like I’d elbowed him.

Whitney touched her ear lobes with her tiny gloved fingers. “Does it hurt?”

“Not really.”

She looked at my ears. My left ear had two lobe piercings and a helix. My right one only had the double piercing.

“How come you have so many?” she asked.

“I like the way it looks.”

“I don’t like that. I only want one in each ear.”

I wasn’t offended at all. I was more shocked she was even considering it.

Jonah finally came to. “Do you really want to get your ears pierced?”

“Maybe,” she responded uneasily. “They make dinosaur earrings, right?” she asked me.

“I’m sure they do, but you typically have to start out with a tiny stud. After your ears have fully healed, you can get whatever kind of earrings you want.”

She shifted her feet, unsure.

“What if your dad got his ear pierced to show you how easy it is?” I grinned evilly at Jonah.

Jonah’s jaw dropped so far I had to tip it up for him.

“You always said you wanted to be more adventurous,” I taunted him.

“Would you, Dad?” Whitney asked so sweetly.

Jonah rubbed the back of his neck while giving me a look that said he wanted to wring my neck. “I . . . I,” he stuttered. “I think Ariana would like to get hers pierced again.”

I tugged on my ears. “Sorry, I would, but these lobes are as pierced as they can be.” I smirked at Jonah.

Jonah ran his hands through his hair, trying to think of a way out of this.

“I like a guy with a pierced ear.” That was true. I found it sexy, but I figured in present company I should leave that tidbit out.

“Do you now?” Jonah didn’t sound convinced.

“Cross my heart.” I crossed my heart as best I could over my poufy coat.

“Please, Dad. If you do it, I won’t be so nervous.” She had to think about that contraction, but she was getting better at using them naturally.

That sealed the deal.

“All right,” he groaned, “but I might not keep it. What will my patients think?”

“I’ll tell you later.” I winked.

That at least got a smile out of him.

When we walked into the shop together, Jonah whispered in my ear, “Don’t think there won’t be payback for this,” he teased.

“It will be worth whatever it is you come up with to see you do this. I’m thinking a big diamond stud for the stud. What do you think?”

“You think I’m a stud?”

Uh. Yeah. “Maybe.” I smiled. I could kiss him breathless right now if we weren’t in a crowded store with his innocent daughter as a witness. Honestly, the crowded store wouldn’t be much of a deterrent; Whitney, on the other hand . . .

He wrapped his arm around me and gave me a squeeze. “Life will never be boring with you.” He sounded so confident that we would have a life together. I didn’t disagree out loud, not even in my head so much. But I wasn’t sold yet.