And there was the fact that Eliza and I obviously had different views on parenting. Granted, I wasn’t a parent, but if I was, I knew I would want to be with my kids as much as possible. And I wouldn’t dress them like miniature adults. I wouldn’t even let them have a computer or really any electronics at this age. They would be licking finger paints to their heart’s content, or until they threw up the non-toxic stuff.

“Why do you look so concerned?” Jonah was always good at reading my mood.

I blinked a few times and took a deep breath of cold air, shaking myself out of my thoughts about his ex-wife. “Just thinking.”

“Care to share?”

“I will later.” We had arrived at Charlotte’s Children’s Boutique. I could tell the place was pricey from the window display of mannequins dressed in fine clothing surrounded by mounds of gold-and silver-wrapped presents. At least the clothes were more age appropriate for Whitney. The one mannequin was wearing a darling sparkly gray sweater with a pink turtleneck underneath and a cute pair of jeans. My favorite, though, was the matching beanie. Whitney would look adorable in it.

“That’s a cute outfit.” I pointed out to Whitney before we walked in out of the cold.

“I will have to try it,” she said matter-of-factly.

We walked in and immediately took off our hats and gloves. The store was toasty and cozy and filled with lots of shoppers, so it felt abnormally warm. It didn’t take long until our coats came off too.

“I’m going to need your help,” Jonah admitted while we browsed. “I’m not really good at this sort of thing.”

I wasn’t either, but I figured I could at least make Whitney look her age. “I’m on it.”

He kissed my cheek.

I knelt near Whitney, who was looking at the sweaters from the mannequin in the window display. I pulled one off the rack I thought looked like her size and held it up. “I think this would look very pretty on you.”

“Does it look too grown up?” She bit her lip.

“I think it looks very girlish, but why don’t you try it on and you can tell us what you think.”

She nodded and took the sweater. We also found several other pieces for her to try on. I hoped Jonah didn’t mind spending a small fortune because the price tags were giving me heart palpitations. One of the sweaters alone was $75. I had never even spent that kind of money on a sweater for myself. Granted, I was wearing a sweater that probably cost at least $150, but that was only because my grandma was a sneaky old broad who knew how to barter.

The dressing room was something else. It reminded me of the fancy ones in movies, where not only did they have fine furniture for you to sit on and wait, but each dressing room was the size of a small bedroom with hand painted benches in it and cute sayings on the mirror like, Leave a Little Sparkle Wherever You Go and Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful.

Whitney read them out loud. “I don’t think I sparkle.”

“Sure you do.” I bent down and kissed her head. “Your eyes light up a room.”

“They do?”

“I promise.” I hung up her clothes on the hooks at her level. “I’ll be right outside waiting with your dad. If you need any help, let us know. Come out and show us once you’ve tried something on.”

“What if I do not, I mean, don’t like the outfit?”

“Then try something else on and show us.”

“Okay.” She didn’t sound too sure.

I wondered if she had ever done this before.

I closed the door and sat next to Jonah on the loveseat in front of Whitney’s room. He put his arm around me and we waited.

“Did her mom ever take her shopping?” I whispered.

“Eliza belongs to one of those online personal shopping services. It was more efficient.”

“Oh.” I settled against him.

“You think it’s weird.”

“Who am I to judge?”

“I wouldn’t blame you if you did.”

“I’m trying not to.” I really didn’t want to judge the woman, but everything in Whitney’s life seemed so sterile and regimented.

“We messed up,” he said quietly.

I did kind of agree with him. “At least you’re trying.”

He didn’t respond right away, which made me feel horrible. I sat up so I could look at him face-to-face. “Did I upset you?”

“No, Ariana.” His eyes drifted toward the door that his daughter was behind. “She needs someone like you in her life.”

I rubbed my chest and swallowed hard.

“I know that scares you, but I knew—I knew you were the person we both needed. Wanted. At least me, but it won’t take long for Whitney to feel that way too. You have that effect on people.” He grinned and tapped my nose. “I don’t expect this to be a one-sided relationship. I plan to offer you an array of services.”