“But the second way sounds more commanding. My mother says it is important to command an audience.”

I had no words. Who tells their five-year-old that? “Well, in your mom’s job, I’m sure that’s important, but would you want your classmates to command you?”

She thought about it for a second. “No. But I am not trying to be mean,” she cried.

I smoothed her hair. “I know that, honey. But maybe since your classmates don’t know that, you can try using contractions to see if that will help.”

“Maybe I can write some sentences out and practice them,” she suggested innocently.

Oh, this girl. “Maybe later. Let’s eat ice cream first and watch some National Geographic.” I never thought I would say those words.

“Can we watch the show about Egypt?”

“Whatever floats your boat, kid.”

She looked up at me with a crinkled brow. “I don’t have a boat.”

I squeezed her tight. “You just used a contraction.”

“I did?” She sounded astonished.

“You did.”

“But I still don’t have a boat.”

I ruffled her hair. “It’s a figure of speech that means whatever makes you happy.”

“I want to be happy.” She said it as if she didn’t know that was a possibility.

“Me too. Let’s eat some ice cream.”Chapter Fourteen“They’re under there,” Dani whispered.

I had asked her to get the door. I looked down at my lap where a beautiful sleepy head with chocolate stained lips rested peacefully. Whitney had been that way for a good two hours, leaving me to watch her show about the wonders of Egypt alone. It wasn’t half bad.

Soon Jonah peeked his head in the fort, all smiles even though his eyes were tired. It had been a long day and night for him. It was ten and he had been gone for five hours.

He looked between me and his sleeping beauty. “I don’t think I’ve seen anything more beautiful in my life.” He crawled toward me and kissed my lips without warning. It was over and done before I could process his lips grazing mine. “I’m sorry. I know you don’t think we should kiss yet, but I highly disagree. And how do you expect me to refrain when you are making me the happiest man in the world?”

I sat stunned for a bit before I could answer. “Exactly how am I accomplishing that?”

He sat close to me, not leaving an inch between us. He brushed my hair back with a look of pure adoration. “In one night, you got my daughter to go in a blanket fort, and, from the looks of the two empty bowls, eat ice cream. You’re a miracle worker.”

“She did insist on watching National Geographic and eating some fruit and vegetables, just to be safe.” I glanced at the fruit and veggie tray Kinsley had kindly brought to us.

Jonah chuckled, making Whitney startle, but not to the point of waking up. He kept his voice down when he said, “I’ve tried to convince her that she doesn’t have to be learning something new every minute of the day and that eating treats in moderation is okay, but it’s been a hard sell.”

“I bet.”

“Thank you, Ariana, you have no idea what this means to me. What you mean to me.”

I bit my lip.

“I know. I’m moving too fast. Could you try and be less irresistible?”

“What would you have me change?” I grinned.

“Not a thing.”

His deep, sexy voice was going to have me accosting him. Time to change the subject. “How’s your patient?”

Jonah undid the top two buttons of his shirt. “It was a night. I ended up having to admit him and his wife. They both had pneumonia. The wife was in worse shape than him.”

“That’s awful.”

“Honestly, I’m not sure if the wife will recover. She’s well into her eighties and isn’t in the best of health to begin with.” Defeat laced his words.

I reached out and took his hand. “I can’t imagine how hard it is for you to lose a patient.”

“Unfortunately, she won’t be my first or last.”

“I know this doesn’t fix anything, but do you want some ice cream?”

“I thought you would never ask. I’ve only eaten two protein bars since lunch.”

I looked down at Whitney, who was sleeping so peacefully on my lap. Such emotion swelled in my chest for her. “If I move her, will she wake up?” I had been afraid to move, which was why I was now well-versed in all things Egypt.

“She’s usually a sound sleeper,” he informed me. He reached over and lovingly swiped her bangs.

“We can move her to the couch while you eat,” I suggested.

He looked around the cozy fort, lit up only by the glow of my laptop. “I vote we stay in here.”

I was afraid he was going to say that. Like I said, the best date ever had happened under a blanket fort. “Don’t get any ideas,” I half teased.