Eleanor spun around on him to answer, but a commotion suddenly sprang from around the corner, and Xander’s smile dropped.
“My lady, please, you must wait to be announced!” The butler could be heard pleading.
“I do not have to wait to see my sister, step aside!” A woman’s shrill voice boomed next.
“Oh no,” Eleanor suddenly groaned as Edna turned the corner and saw them.
Xander looked quickly back at her, realizing what was about to happen. His wife had probably planned to trick him into convincing him into an annulment with her antics, but she could not have possibly predicted her sister’s unscheduled visit.
“What inHeaven’sname are you doing, Eleanor?” Edna seethed, her eyes growing beady and sharp as she walked toward Eleanor. “Look at you! This is not how a duchess is to act!”
“Let go of me,” Eleanor warned as Edna grabbed a hold of her arm.
“Are you trying to ruin this for all of us?” Edna hissed, dragging Eleanor forward. “What have you done to your clothes? To your face? Oh, God, your hair! Get upstairs this instant!”
Xander had debated whether or not to get involved with what was clearly a family matter, but when he saw the look of pure horror in Eleanor’s eyes, he suddenly found himself in motion.
“Lady Wilten, youwilllet go of my wife,” Xander demanded, stepping in front of Edna before she could make another move.
Edna’s eyes widened with fear and shock and she began to stammer.
“Y-your Grace! This- this is not right- she knows-she-”
“She is the lady of this house and may do whatever she likes,” he stated, staring her down. Edna’s mouth opened and closed like a fish gasping for air on land, but Xander continued.
“You are not welcome in our home. Not today. Turn around and leave at once or the butler you just berated has my full blessing to get you out of here however he sees fit.”
“But I rode for two hours to get here!” Edna burst out, finally able to speak. “I cannot just turn back!”
From his vest pocket, Xander pulled out his billfold and placed whatever was inside in Edna’s hands.
“There is an inn in town that will refresh your horses and has decent food. If you leave now, you will be home by nightfall.”
Eyes alight with greed, Edna quickly clenched her fist around the stack of notes and nodded. She attempted to toss one more glare at Eleanor before she left, but Xander moved with her, his gaze locking her in and forbidding such action. Without a word, she then turned on her heel and left, the butler following closely behind to ensure her exit.
Xander waited until Edna’s footsteps could no longer be heard before he turned back to Eleanor. Her eyes were no longer bright with mischief, and she looked almost ashamed of herself. Unable to take it, Xander cleared his throat and glanced away.
“Thank you,” she whispered, sounding so sad it bothered him.
“I do not like disrespect,” he stated simply. He should leave, he felt, to let her have some space, but he could not bring himself to. He hated seeing her sad. Even if she tried her best to have him annul their marriage, he would only do so once he had destroyed all the letters.
“So, rocks,” he said, picking up one from a nearby table to change the subject. “They are yours, I take it?”
“Yes,” she admitted, her voice hollow. “I like them.”
“Truly?” Xander asked. He kept his eyes on the rock he was holding but turned his body toward her. “Or is it just part of this little scheme you are trying to pull?”
“How did you…?”
Eleanor laughed and rolled her eyes, her true self coming back to him a little bit.
“I actually do like them,” Eleanor admitted, picking up one from the same pile. She had reached for a smooth, flat, black pebble the size of her palm. “I cannot say why, but I find them as beautiful as flowers.”
“Hmmm,” Xander murmured, sparing a glance toward her. She put the stone down, then turned away from him and toward the nearest wall.
“This space is too blank,” she declared, waving a hand at it as she tried to go back to her little act. “I think I shall do some painting. Add some flowers. Perhaps a large pony lying amongst them.” She pointed to no space in particular on the large blank canvas. “Right there.”
Xander sighed and put his own rock down, no longer having fun with this game.