The shift in temperate is like a blade across my skin.
I’m drowning in silver snow. It floods into my lungs and I can’t stop coughing.
Gasping and choking as spears cut the inside of my lungs.
I feel my body being lifted of the beasts shoulders and laid down onto the cold, damp ground.
“Verity - “
I know that name.
It’s my name.
I blink my eyes open and my vision is too blurry to make out where I am. Cold, crisp air pours into my lungs.
“Verity, can you hear me?” Rufino’s voice pulls me from my dreams again.
“I - “ I choke.
“Oh thank fuck. Oh my fuck - “ he mutters. Pulling me up against his chest. “I thought I lost you.” He growls against my ear.
I reach up and rub my eyes, blinking again and again until the tears and gone.
Fresh, chilly night air is touching my skin.
It hurts.
My skin is too sensitive, and my lungs are filled with needles.
“I - I’m alive - “ I mutter.
He laughs. “You’re alive.”
Above us something explodes, and he grunts in fright.
“We’re still too close. My car is just around the corner.” He mutters, sliding his arm around my back and lifting me against his chest he runs.
I cry out in pain as his movements shoot through me.
“Hold on, my love.”
Looking back, I see the building fall.
The top floors caving in, level by level, a loud rumbling, crumbling monster.
“A dragon.” I whisper.
As it collapses sparks and flames glitter into the dark night and thick streams of black smoke pour into the sky.
“It’s a dragon.” I mumble again and then collapse against him.
I feel the darkness more than I can see it.
In fact, I can’t see anything.
I can’t even see my hand when I hold it right in front of my face.