Outside the motel room a loud screech of tires skidding across gravels makes us both freeze. The door flies open, slamming against the old brick wall behind it and causing it to splinter.
Three men rush into the room dressed head to toe in black - then two more. I scream as fear floods through my body.
Heavily armed guards pack the small motel room, pointing their weapons at us.
Rufino moves, spinning to face them and shoving me protectively behind his body.
He holds me there with one arm behind his back.
“Who the fuck are you?” he snarls, facing down the men without a hint of fear in his voice.
My heart beats, almost drowning out sound.
Wrapping my arm around my breasts to cover them but also for a false sense of security.
Outside someone chuckles.
“It’s my father’s men.” I gasp in shock, recognizing that cold steel mocking laugh.
“How?” Rufino demands.
“Get up.” One man demands, waving the barrel of his rifle at Rufino.
He stands up slowly, pulling me with him so that I am still behind him.
Rufino squats down at grabs my t-shirt off the floor, passing it behind himself to me.
“Put it on, my love.” He mutters.
“That’s right. It’s time to get dressed and end this disgusting interaction.” My father’s voice comes from outside the door.
“How?” I whisper again, trying to figure out if there was any way he could have tracked me - but I have nothing on me. It doesn’t make sense.
My father steps into the room and tilts his head to the side, eyeing Rufino.
“Did you really think you could win against me?” he asks, calm and deadly. Then he turns to me. “Verity, make yourself decent. Put your shoes on for fuck sakes, we’re leaving.”
“You’re not taking her anywhere. You’ll have to kill me first.”
“I have no problem with that.” My father laughs again.
“No.” I scream, stepping out from behind him. “Please, don’t.”
“Then do as you’re told.” His eyes are empty. Like dark pits filled with nothing but coal. Dead.
I reach out and touch Rufino’s side. My fingers trace over his skin. “Red. Don’t.” I beg him. But his body is tense. His stance tells me he is no intention of letting me go without a fight.
Several guns pointed towards him tells me he doesn’t stand a chance.
“Red.” I plead again.
“I made you a promise.” He says, his voice low.
“It’s not worth your life.”
“Enough.” My father snarls, “Take her. Let’s go.”
One of his men grabs my arm and yanks me away from Rufino. I scream with fright as the man’s rough fingers dig into my skin.