Page 31 of Something Borrowed

People should just learn to mind their own business. I’m an adult but my father still treats me like a child, as though I’m not free to make any choices for myself.

If I stretch my arm towards the bedside table, I can just reach my phone without having to get up.

The bright light makes me squint so I turn it down a little and then open the messaging app to talk to Rufino.

For so long now I have been alone.

Yes, I have great friends who I love to party with - but I don’t have someone who understands me. Someone who sees me. Not just the party version of me. Butme.

I don’t know what it is about Red that makes me so comfortable around him. I love how he not only puts up with my snarky comments but grins at them and then gives back as hard as I throw out.

He really challenges me and push me in ways I’ve never felt before.

Right now, all I want to do is to be around him.

I think it’s cruel that my father wants to keep us apart. Why wouldn’t he want me to feel this love?

Me: Hi sexy, I miss you already.

Rufino: Hey gorgeous girl. I miss you too. Did all hell break loose when you got home? I saw the new articles.

Me: Yes, my father is turning into a lunatic. He said I’m not allowed to leave the house. But I think he’ll calm down by tomorrow. He always overreacts about things.

Rufino: Mm. I don’t like the sound of that. He can’t keep you from me.

Me: Don’t worry about it. I’ll talk to him tomorrow. But for now…I took a little picture for you.

Igiggle, sitting up on the bed and pulling my top off, then snapping a cheeky photo for him. I hit send and grin while I wait for his response.

Rufino: If you keep sending photos like that I am going to have to break into your bedroom tonight while you’re sleeping and tie you up so I can do whatever I want to you.

My heart races and my mind runs wild.

Me: Well, maybe I’ll leave the window unlocked. But it’s on the top floor so kind of impossible for you to get to.

Rufino: I think you underestimate just how much I want your body against mine. There is no such thing as impossible.

Talking to Rufino makes me forget the fight I had with my father.

Our messages go back and forth for hours before I’m too tired to keep my eyes open.

After saying goodnight I curl up hugging my pillow against my body and wishing it was him lying next to me.

When I close my eyes I fantasize about him doing crazy things to reach me because he’s so in love with me. I’ve never had someone treat me this way. Someone who makes me feel like they really would tear the world apart to be with me.

There is a tapping sound drifting into my dream and pulling me awake. I blink in the darkness of my bedroom and realize that the white curtains are catching a breeze from my open window. I could have sworn I closed it.

I sigh, sleepy and comfortable, pulling the blankets a little tighter over my shoulders.

But then I feel it.

And my heart races with fear.

Someone is in my room.

My eyes shoot open and I see the tall, dark figure standing next to my bed.

“Don’t be afraid, vixen.” A deep voice whispers, ominous.