Walking into the warehouse I’m already tense and annoyed.
It’s late.
It’s Saturday.
And I don’t see any reason to be calling a meeting now.
Tuomo sounded arrogant on the phone when he called earlier, and I think that him and Masaccio have it in for me this evening.
My brothers are all seated when I step through the office door into the boardroom section. Our regular meeting area.
“You’re late.” Masaccio snarls.
I don’t bother replying.
I am late.
But who the fuck cares?
These meetings are a waste of time. They could just email me the key points afterwards instead of making me sit through hours of bullshit planning.
Everyone’s eyes are glued to me as I walk around the table to take a seat at the spot next to Celso.
He nods, a silent greeting.
I nod back. Celso is the one I have the least issues with.
I guess it’s because he doesn’t share the same mother as the rest of us and he was taunted almost as much as I was growing up - outcast from the group in his own way.
However, being the youngest of all of us he got away with everything.
Our father has a soft spot for him so despite the taunting he endured from Masaccio and Tuomo he didn’t struggle as much as I did.
“We need to discuss how the fuck we are going to make up for the lost profits on that fuck up of a shipment two days ago.” Masaccio is looking down at some paperwork, addressing all of us. “Does anyone have any ideas regarding how we can go about getting a new shipment to the client, but not lose profit?”
Tuomo is about to speak, but I end up interrupting him.
“What shipment?” I ask, not knowing there was an issue with any of the past weeks deliveries.
The way Masaccio pulls his mouth I can see he wanted me to ask this question. He baited me into it.
He shakes his head with his mouth tight and his eyes narrowed.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Red?” he shouts, slamming the paperwork against the table. “Maybe if you bothered to stay in touch or come to the warehouse more often, you would knowwhat the fuck was going on in thefamilybusiness. You areneveraround. You think you can?—”
“I dowhateveris required of me.” I snarl at him, my defenses high and my hackles rising.
“Yeah - you do whatever is required and not a fucking drop more. That’s the problem though isn’t it. You don’t give a shit about putting in any effort over whatever the bare-minimum that is required of you.”
“Why the fuck would I? What did you assholes ever do for me?”
“We’re your fucking family.” Masaccio yells.
“Oh -nowyou want to pretend I'm part of the team. Now when youneedsomething from me? I work fucking hard for this family. Don’t you dare question my loyalty to it?”
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Red? You’re acting like you don’t want to be here.” Tuomo sighs.