As I walk through it part of the frame collapses and a chunk of burning wood smacks into my face. I turn my head just in time for it to only hit my cheek and not my eye.
I can’t even feel it.
I can’t feel anything anymore except for the anguish of losing her.
I run, stumble and get up, carrying her out of the apartment and into the hallway.
It is a tunnel of death.
An endless pipe of fire resembling the belly of a snake, or a dragon -
I can’t do this.
I have to do this.
Glancing down at her face, her cheeks black with soot and her lips so dry and flaked - I have a renewed sense of urgency and determination.
My beautiful wife.
I have found you.
I have killed you.
With a guttural scream of rage and hope and fear and hate and determination - I run.
Shielding her with my arms, turning my body into the flames - I run.
The other side of the building closer to the elevator is not burning as severely.
The fire has not reached here yet and I thank every star in the entire galaxy when I see the elevator is still open and waiting for me.
Inside I take desperate breaths of air. It’s still hot. Muggy. Smokey. But it’s air. Better than what I was breathing before.
I am close to death, but I know she is closer.
Punching my finger against the G, I step deeper into the elevator and crouch onto my knee, resting her on the ground.
“Verity.” I say, touching her face.
“Verity don’t do this. Don’t give up. I’m so sorry.”
Her chest is moving.
Her eyes are dancing beneath closed lids as though she was dreaming.
“Verity.” I scream louder.
The elevator doors close, and I stare down the passage, disintegrating faster and faster as the flames lick towards us.
Another explosion shakes the elevator just as the doors close and it jolts, slipping on the cable that’s holding us seventeen stories above the ground.
I grab Verity into my arms again and hold her cradled against my chest.
We move and another explosion shakes the building.
The fire has dripped through the floor boards and onto each level below. Levels I tipped bottles of gasoline into.
As we pass one floor, a flame touches one of those bottles and the explosion smacks up against the metal doors.