Page 123 of Verses

Enough was enough. “Look, mom, I agree with you that sometimes we need to be decisive—but when something is inconsequential, I don’t see a reason to do that.”

“Inconsequential?Don’t you realize that we’re going to be deciding the fate of our family holiday meals from now until the end of time?”

Jesus Christ. Why couldn’t she let this go? “Then all the more reason that the decision be made by all ofyou, not me.”

“Are you saying you’re never going to visit again?”

How I managed to keep my voice steady was a mystery. “No, that’snotwhat I’m saying.”

“Wolf, what about you?”

“If Hayley will have me, I’d come back with her every year.”

Apparently, my mother had been waiting for that particular door to open, because she dropped her turkey inquisition for a moment. “I get that you two are friends…but why would Hayley invite your back year after year?”

Wolf was as dumfounded as I—but it didn’t matter, because she wasn’t going to wait for an answer.

“And if you’remorethan friends, I need to know how old you are, because you look like you could be her father.”

“Iamold enough but I’mnother father. But if you must know…” He paused, glancing over at me for just a moment. “Hayley, sorry for this.” Then he turned his focus back to my mother. “Wearedating. I find Hayley to be one of the kindest, most intelligent, thoughtful, loyal, creative people I’ve ever met. She’s a hard worker. She’s talented. She’s a hell of a singer and songwriter—and the band will make it because of her. If you asked her, she’d tell you that it’s because of me or the other guys, but it’s because ofher. She’s the face and voice of the band. And she inspires me every day—even more because sheisyoung. I can’t wait to see what she’s like when she’s thirty-five, forty-five, older—because she’s already got it together. She’s just going to get better and better. And if she’ll have me, I would love to see how she grows as a person over the years. So, yeah…I do care very much about this woman as more than a friend, and I’m proud to say it.”

Silence fell over the room like snow. Even the football game on the TV seemed muted somehow. Goosebumps covered myarms and the hair on the back of my neck stood stiffly…because it was at that moment that I realized Wolf was the man for me.


That wasn’t a knock to Kyle, but he never would have said anything like that to my mother, and although I wouldn’t have held that against him, Wolf’s little speech had just blown me away.

When I looked from his warm green eyes caressing me to my mother’s, I realized he had blownheraway too…but I had no idea what she was thinking.

Wolf stood. “I’m going to get started on the dishes. Thanks for the offer of pie, but I’ll keep any other opinions to myself.” With that, he picked up his plate and headed into the kitchen.

Holy shit.

As I watched his bad ass saunter through the swinging door, I tried catching my breath.

I mattered to him…and that knowledge would propel me forward for a very long time, even past the point it should have.


It wasn’t until we were on the highway headed back to Charlotte that I said, “I am so sorry you had to witness all that.”

We’d stuck around long enough to play one game, and my mother didn’t say another word about Wolf and me—or even the stupid turkey competition. My sister gave me a sly look at one point, but it was respectful.

And we’d escaped virtually unscathed—although I’d forgotten to bring the gifts my mother said she had for me somewhere. I’d needed to leave before she pulled anything else.

Wolf asked, “Why?”

“Because—oh, my God—how embarrassing. Throwing turkey, bickering, making a big deal out of something so stupid.”

“That’s how families are, bird. But you know what I liked about it?”

I took my eyes off the road in front of us as the sun continued dipping under the horizon line. “Youlikedsomething?”

“Yeah. I appreciate that they were comfortable enough to be themselves—even with a complete stranger. Not everybody would do that. And that means they welcomed me with open arms. So take that for what it’s worth.”

I hadn’t even thought of that. “Holy shit.”

We drove in silence for a bit until he began talking again. “I was planning to take you home, but since the night is still in the womb, I wondered if you’d want to hang with me for a while.”