Sue’s eyes grew bigger. “That biker bar in Winchester?”
“Yeah. They have a great stage there. It’s ourreturn homeshow. Like thanking our roots or whatever.”
Naomi hadn’t really registered that there would be a show in Winchester—probably because she’d already be gone by then. She’d have to check the itinerary…because maybe she’d be able to watch the show as an audience member.
Sue said, “Why is that even a question? You know we want to see you whenever you’re willing to visit.”
“Evenwhenyou’re a sanctimonious prick…‘cause you’reoursanctimonious prick.”
Sage laughed hard then and Naomi allowed herself to slightly raise her head to take a sip of water.
“What aboutyourfamily, Naomi? Tell us a little bit about yourself.”
That was a deer-in-the-headlights moment and Naomi felt every muscle freeze. If she didn’t move, they wouldn’t see her, right? She knew how stupid that was and yet she had to fight to speak. “My parents live in Winchester—and I’m scouting for a new place to call home.”
Well, she’d managed to get that out her mouth, but she could tell by the expression on Sue’s face that she wasn’t sure how to respond.
Sage, though, figured out exactly what to say to divert their attention. “That’s why she’s touring with us—so she can explore the world. You guys did a lot of traveling in the army. What places would you encourage Naomi to check out before she settles on anywhere particular?”
Naomi could have hugged him—and she delighted in the ensuing discussion revolving around army bases in the United States.
After that, the rest of dinner was lighthearted and relaxing, and she even stuck around to play a board game.
And even though the strife at the table earlier had made her tense, she realized that was just all her own baggage she’d been lugging around. Sage’s family was nothing like her own. They loved each other and, when they discussed issues, even with some playful poking, they didn’t get angry with each other.
Like she would have done with her own family, she kept waiting the entire night for the other shoe to drop.
But it never did. It was the most beautiful sensation.
Sage was pulled from the black gulf of sleep, awakening to shouting.
Seconds later, he realized it was Naomi’s voice.
What the hell was going on?
The need to protect her drove him from his bed before he was even fully aware that he was doing it. Once he was in the hallway, the nightlight helped him see well enough to find her door. But she hadn’t made another noise, so maybe everything was okay.
Had it been his imagination?
When he got close to the door, he pondered if he should knock or just go back to bed.
Until he heard her again.
“Get off me!”
He didn’t think twice about it and threw the door open without hesitation, flipping on the light as soon as he’d entered.
Naomi was in bed but her eyes were closed and her body was in motion, almost like she was trying to run.
“Naomi? Naomi.” Sage rushed to the bed and leaned over, finally deciding to touch her shoulder. “Naomi?”
At last, she opened her eyes—but the panic was easy to see. She started struggling, writhing against his hand, pulling away until she almost fell out of the other side of the bed.
In response, Sage backed up a bit, holding up his hands. “I’m not here to hurt you. It’s okay, Naomi.” But it was like she was somewhere else. “It’sme, Sage. Everything’s all right.”