Naomi nodded, agreeing, and it was clear Sue appreciated the praise.
While Sage scooped more potatoes onto his plate, he said, “Golf is a rich guy’s sport. You guys like spending time with rich douchebags?”
“Sage! Watch your mouth.”
Ray was more subtle than his wife. “I supposeyou’regiving all your money to the poor.”
“No. I don’t mean that. I’m talking about the attitude, not the money.”
“So what are you saying?”
Naomi was ready to crawl out of her skin, because she could feel tension growing in the air—and it made her want to run to her room and bury herself under the bed covers.
“My experience with people who come from money has never been positive…mainly because they don’t give two shits about things like wasting water on a gigantic lawn created just for knocking a ball around...so I’m wondering why you guys want to hang with assholes like that.”
Not sure quite when she’d done it, Naomi’s head now hung so that she could only see her plate—but she didn’t plan to look up until all this was over.
It wasn’t that she didn’t appreciate Sage’s message—because she actually did. Up until now, she would have sworn the only things he could be bothered to think about were metal music and having a good time. But maybe underneath that laid-back exterior was a guy who cared about way more than he’d ever let on.
“Son, first off, you’ve got to watch your mouth. You know your mother doesn’t appreciate your salty language. And second…I’m not golfing with rich a-holes. I’m golfing with my neighbors and friends—”
“Who are probably rich a-holes,” Sage said, using his father’s politer version of Sage’s initial word choice.
“That’s easy to say when you don’t actually know them. Harry’s retired from the Bureau of Prisons. He lived his whole life in Florence working for the federal government until they forced him to retire—and, after that, he worked for Lowe’s in Pueblo for ten years after that. Does that sound like a rich a-hole to you?”
“No. But I don’t think you are, either. That doesn’t mean you guys don’t associate with them.”
“I’m not going to justify my choice of friends or how I spend my time to you or anybody else. When your mother and I retired and moved here, we knew this would be our forever home—so we’ve gone out of our way to meet the neighbors and find friends with common interests. And I refuse to feel bad about that.”
“I’m not trying to make you guys feel bad. I just…I care about the planet, and it sometimes feels like wealthy people don’t care at all. A golf course is one case in point.”
“If it makes you feel better, the town limits the water that can be used on the course—and they actually don’t use much,” Sue said—and only because Naomi sat close to her did she realize the woman was filling up her wine glass.
Not that she blamed her. What she wouldn’t do for a huge shot of her own right now. Even wine would be okay.
Ray said, “Because we’re here in the mountains, we get far more precipitation than you might think. And, just for argument’s sake—because you brought it up—how much gas do you guys use driving from city to city and flying overseas with all your equipment? Just how earth friendly is all your travel?”
“Don’t think I haven’t thought about that. But one thing Ihavethought about is that it’s cheaper—and more earth-friendly—for us to drive to various cities than for all those people to come to us individually.”
“Justify it however you like—but you might re-examine your perspective. From over here, it smells a little hypocritical.”
Sage actually laughed—and then it was like all the tension shattered like glass, and Naomi could almost feel each shard falling to the floor before melting away. “That’s fair. And you’re right. I do some mental gymnastics over all of it, because a lot of itdoesbother me. I guess what keeps me sane is reminding myself that we’re bringing people together to have a good time and connect with others.”
“And that’s all I’m doing when I golf with my buddies.”
“Good point. I guess I have to take back being a sanctimonious prick then, don’t I?”
“Suit yourself, son,” Ray said, and Naomi felt grateful that she could hear the smile in the man’s voice.
“Before I forget, guys, are you still okay if I stay with you during our hiatus before we head over to Europe?”
Ray put down the piece of chicken in his hand. “Do you know the dates?”
“No. Sometime in September and a few days in October. Our last show for this leg is a small gig at Bad Boys.”