Page 29 of Under the Ink

“Duh. That’s where you come in, man. You swoop in for the kill. If they want a rock star, you’re the only one they have a real chance with…so I bet they’d be more than happy to take your mind off your woes for at least a few minutes.”

Sage thought maybe Andy had hit the nail right on the head. There was nothing, absolutely nothing, on the planet that couldn’t be cured with a good fucking. Who gave a shit if the shadows would still be with him afterward?

A little relief for a few moments would be more than welcome.

And maybe Andy wanted to take Jimmy’s place—so why not ask? “Wanna tag team?”

“Thought you’d never ask me to pass a good time with ya. Let’s do this.”

That was a plan if Sage had ever heard it.



The sun was shining brightly and Naomi actually had a smile on her face. Even though it was hot outside, it was nice to be out of the bus. And she knew she’d have to check the drums again before the show, she’d already done a precheck and scoped out the venue.

What made her happiest about being here was seeing the lovely Rocky Mountains in the distance. Back at home, they were lots closer, but it made this feel almost like being there.

But without being in Winchester—which made it all the sweeter.

Today, she’d tried being kinder to Andy, because he seemed to be a little offended by the way she’d shrunk from his touch last night—but he needed to understand that he should keep his fingers to himself. So, although she hadn’t apologized, she’d made sure to smile and be nice.

But when he’d asked if she wanted company this afternoon, she’d politely told himno.

“Those streets can be sketchy, darlin’.”

Although it was a big fat lie, she said, “I’m well aware.”

Once away from the buses and crew, she’d taken out her phone. Sage had recommended checking out the Old Town section of Albuquerque, but it was way too far from the venue to go on foot. And maybe she could have gotten an Uber or something, but she needed to be absolutely certain to be back in time for their call. Plus money was tight right now. She had no idea when payday was around here.

Besides…if she wound up moving to New Mexico, she could check it all out later.

Thus far, she liked what she saw.

Mainly, that was because what she saw wasnot Colorado.

As she got away from the venue, she realized this part of the city was kind of industrial. She wouldn’t be able to walk downtown, either, but she wanted a taste of what this city had to offer. Walking past a monstrous building, she got another glimpse of the Rockies…and let out a long breath of air.

Yes, this could be home if she wanted it to be.

Her phone still in hand, she opened up her text messages. She and Ginny had been texting a bit, but Naomi wanted to hear her voice.Do you have a few minutes to talk?

Always! Give me a sec and I’ll call you.

In a rare moment, Naomi’s smile covered her face. Maybe she could talk Ginny into considering moving too.

There was the problem of her fiancé Walker, however. Would he ever want to leave Winchester? Unfortunately, Naomi didn’t know him well enough to even guess how he felt about their little burg.

It wasn’t entirely Naomi’s fault. Walker worked long, weird hours and, when he wasn’t working, he wanted Ginny all to himself. Naomi couldn’t really blame him—her best friend was a truly phenomenal human being. But she’d met him once or twice and he was nice enough.

He treated Ginny well. That was all that mattered.

After walking another block, Naomi was glad when her phone finally rang—and she was even happier to see Ginny’s name as the caller.

“What’s up?” her friend asked.

“Right this moment? I’m walking down a busy street in Albuquerque.”