Page 108 of Under the Ink

And then a plan started to form…just as the pilot’s amplified voice came through the door.

“Folks, we’ll be arriving in Colorado Springs in just a few minutes. Local time is 3:19 PM. The temperature is in the high sixties and rain is expected sometime in the next hour. In preparation for landing, make sure you turn off all your electronic devices and fasten your seat belts.”

Shit. Letting out a long slow breath, Naomi wiped away the last of the tears as she heard the captain continuing to announce instructions to passengers.

But she was ready now. She knew her life wasn’t just going to fix itself. She needed to put her game face on and fight like she never had before.

Gloves off.



“Virginia, in the presence of God our father and these witnesses here today, do you take Walker to be your wedded husband, to live together in holy matrimony? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor him, and keep him for better or worse, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?”

Although Naomi could only see the back of her friend’s head, she could picture her face in her heart.

Beaming. Possibly crying. Happy beyond belief.

“I do.”

Still, this whole wedding ceremony had been strange. Even though Naomi still didn’t want to be here, even now hated having her tattoos out for all the world to see…she didn’t give a shit anymore.

Winchester had changed.

Actually, she knew that wasn’t true—but it seemed so different. Nothing looked quite like it had when she’d left—or even when she and Sage had breezed through in July. It was as if she’d been looking through a lens her whole adult life, one smeared with a slight film of overwhelming emotion, guilt, and blame—and now she could see it for what it was.

The same…but different. Everything seemed clearer now.

And while she didn’t hate Winchester, the same couldn’t be said of this fucking church…this place of worship where the man officiating the ceremony had raised another man who thought raping his girlfriend was okay.

But no matter. They could have this stupid building with its sheeplike congregation. She was here for one reason only—to be her best friend’s proverbial right-hand woman. No longer would this supposed sanctuary hold any sway over her, any more than this man of God could.

And she just had to make it through today. Then she’d be done for good.

Soon enough, they were taking pictures both inside and outside the church. Ginny and Walker by themselves. With the bridal party. With the parents. Walker with the best man. Ginny with Naomi. With their families. Inside the church. Outside the church.

Those were simply the formal photos. The photographer had been snapping pictures all day.

Finally, though, they were headed to the country club for the reception. And, once again, Naomi was trapped with all the other women in Ginny’s wedding party…withoutGinny. But she’d known this was going to happen.

There wouldn’t be any alone time with her friend—but, at some point, she needed to ask the woman for some advice.

One that made her sick to her stomach…but she’d have to ask just the same.

When the meal had ended, the other activities most of the guests would think were fun were beginning.

Which meant it was time for Naomi to find her parents. They’d come through the reception line at the wedding and had hugged her, so she hoped they’d be willing to talk.

Or at least listen.

As she wandered throughout the large ballroom full of people, she began to wonder if maybe her mother and father had ditched this part of the wedding—but she knew how much her dad loved a good buffet and, even though it was elegantly decorated and the food was high class, it was, at its heart, a buffet line.

And that was how she spotted her parents. Her father had just filled up a plate of second helpings and was headed back to a round table far from the entrance to the room. As she got closer, Naomi noticed that they were sitting with two other couples and an older woman from the church, all people who’d known her for a long time and would likely have all manner of judgments popping up inside their heads as soon as they saw her.

But it didn’t matter. She’d made up her mind—andthosepeople didn’t matter.

Behind the elderly couple, Naomi waved. “Hi.”