Page 10 of Under the Ink

“Youwill. You just have to find a guy you trust. A guy who loves you for who you are.”

“That’ll never happen.”

“Never—I meannever—say never!”

“You’re impossible.” Naomi tried not to screw up her mouth, but she didn’t want to encourage her friend’s wishful thinking. Although it was one of Ginny’s most endearing qualities, it was also obnoxious when her positivity lasers were pointed on her friend.

“So…do you have to interview for the job or what?”

At least she’d taken the hint to change the subject. “No. I don’t have to do anything. The offer’s already been made. I just have to call the manager by tonight and let him know my decision.”

“That’s it? How do they even know you can do the job?”

“Mr. Karlson told them I was a decent drummer and so they just wanted to make sure I was willing to travel. The manager said they’d train me on the job—and I can’t imagine I wouldn’t catch on fast.”

“I suppose I could live without you for a few months. But you have toswearyou’d be here for the wedding. Like on your grandmother’s grave.”

“Geez, Ginny. I promised. I’ll be there. I already told you that.” It was the one demand she’d made when negotiating with the band’s manager—and they were so damned desperate, he agreed without a second thought.

Ifshe took the job.

Just to tease her friend, Naomi said, “It’s September thirteenth, right?”

“Oh, my gosh. It’s gonna be a disaster. My maid of honor won’t even make it.”

“I’m kidding! Yes, I’ll be there—even if I take the job. The band’s doing a few dates in Canada that I can’t go to anyway, so I’ll be flying out of Detroit on September tenth.”

“That’s cutting it close.”

“Yeah…but I’ll be here, okay?”

“Okay.” After Ginny drove away from a stop sign, she asked, “Why can’t you go to the shows in Canada?”

“I still don’t have a passport.”

“Oh, yeah.” Pulling the car into a parking spot near Naomi’s current place of employment, Ginny said, “I won’t stress. I promise. It’s just that—”

“I get it. I’ll be here, okay? They knew my leave date was non-negotiable, even if Ididhave a passport. And, besides, I haven’t said yes yet.”

Ginny nodded, giving her friend a gentle smile. “Thank you. I’ll stop worrying.” They both knew that wasn’t true, but it did mean she’d stop talking about it. As the two women got out of the car, she asked, “So who’s the band anyway?”

“A metal band called Shock Treatment. Some of the members are from Winch—”

“I’ve heard of them. Holy crap! They’re a real band!”


“But you haven’t met them yet?”

“No. I just met with the manager over the phone.”

“That’s weird.”

“Maybe. I don’t know. But they were pretty desperate.” They’dhaveto be to take a woman like her, someone with no experience at all.


“Yeah. Their drum tech died over the weekend, so they needed a replacement fast.”