Page 22 of Totally Off Limits

Nothing but.


“Saygood night, Mia.”

“Good night, Mickey.”

“Very good!” Mickey’s face shone like the sun at Mia’s perfect pronunciation of his name. “Have a good night’s sleep, kiddo.”

Mia practically batted her lashes over dark brown eyes. Jesus. To Sierra, it was clear as day that they were father and daughter. It was a miracle Mickey hadn’t figured it out. But maybe some small part of him knew and either he didn’t want the responsibility or he just couldn’t bring himself to believe it. There was also the chance he wanted Sierra to tell him.

Over her dead body. No way. That would open up a can of worms she just couldn’t bring herself to contend with. It was hard enough dealing with her family as it was.

Mia leaned forward, arms extended. “Aw. I think she wants to give you a hug.”

“I can do that,” Mickey said, grinning. Mia wrapped her tiny arms around his neck and Mickey held her close, even closing his eyes.

Oh, shit.He knows.

But when Mia released him and held her arms out to Sierra, Mickey said, “Good night, Mia.” They’d retired to the living room earlier, restoring that family-like feeling, an emotion Sierra knew she shouldn’t allow herself to feel.

“Be right back,” Sierra said, eager to remove her child from his sight. Although Mia had been all smiles and giggles, Sierra knew she wouldn’t be awake for long. Mia’s schedule was like clockwork, something Sierra had worked hard to maintain. Fortunately, that was one thing she and her mother could agree on, which was why Mia used to stay at grandma’s house for three days in a row when Sierra was working in the ER. Because the twelve-hour shifts didn’t leave much time for sleep during the day, Sierra would visit for dinner before going to her night shift. And now, with her new job, maintaining a schedule was even easier.

Bedtime had always been non-negotiable and, even on the occasion where Sierra wouldn’t have minded letting her child stay up a little later, Mia’s clock dictated bedtime.

Sierra tucked her child in and kissed her. Then she touched her forehead. “Sweet dreams, baby girl.”

Mia placed the tip of her index finger on Sierra’s forehead. “Sweet dreams.”

“Mommy loves you, Mia.”

“Love you, mama.”

Walking across the room, Sierra said, “See you in the morning,” and then flipped off the light switch. The tiny nightlight across the room cast a gentle glow, but now her child’s bed was in shadow. Still, she closed the door until it was open just a crack as she always did, wanting Mia to have the security of being able to leave the room whenever she needed, whether it was to use the potty like a big girl or to curl up with her mommy when she had a bad dream.

Sierra then made her way to the top of the stairs where she secured the child gate behind her. Mia was pretty good using the stairs nowadays, but Sierra didn’t want to take a chance of her child falling down them at night. She wasn’t sure when she’d stop using the gate, but knowing the stairs were secure helped her sleep better.

Afterwards, she walked down the stairs, ready to spend a little more time with her guest. But, for all she knew, he’d be ready to go. No sense getting her hopes up yet.

Mickey was no longer sitting on the couch. Instead, he was standing, looking at the pictures on the wall behind him. Sierra’s mother had complained that she had little art displayed in her condo, but Sierra didn’t care. She had framed photos of her child, because Mia was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen on this earth. No art could compare.

When she approached, Mickey said, “She’s the definition of photogenic.”

“I always thought so.” Shit. She had to get his eyes off Mia’s face right now, or he was sure to figure out the truth. “Could I interest you in a beernow?”

Turning to face her, the smirk was undeniable. Now, she couldn’t really read what he was thinking, but her belly was filled with dread, tight and sour. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for you and me to drink together. I remember what happened last time.”

Mia.Miahappened last time.

But that wasn’t what he meant, not at all. Actually, maybe it was. He just didn’t know it. Instead, he was thinking of the moments that led up to Mia’s creation.

And what the hell was she even supposed to say to that?

“Maybe you’re right.” And he was. The last thing she needed was to get her heart even more focused on him by engaging with him physically. Why was she so attracted to him anyway? Was it rebellion, pure and simple? Had she slept with him as an act of defiance?

No. She’d analyzed this before. While she couldn’t quite understand it, she’d felt a connection to him for longer than the rebellious years could account for. Although she couldn’t speak for any of the other kids who made up their class throughout the years, she’d had occasions where she’d felt compelled to help Mickey Morton—and, at times, she’d felt like an outsider, too.

Meaning they had a bond that was hard to dismiss.