“But that was…bull—” I paused just slightly, not wanting to lose his attention just because I cursed. “—baloney. The person she hired had only been working for Essential for two years compared to my five.”

“When was this?”

“Last month. Just before Valentine’s Day.”


Should I hold back? Maybe, but my heart wouldn’t let me. “I’ve been looking elsewhere for work. I don’t want to die in customer service.”

“You have?”


“I can give you that raise you asked about if that helps.”

“The money would be nice…but that’s not the issue. It’s about feeling used and abused. Unappreciated. Disrespected.”

“What aren’t you telling me, Bailey?”

“I’m good at my job. Not just good. I’m one of the best in my department. But my talent is being wasted there. And honestly? I think it’s because Dominique doesn’t want to replace me. Who do you think trains all the new hires?” The way his eyebrow almost arched told me he was taking me seriously. So I picked up my juice glass and downed half of it, keeping my mouth shut for fear of overstating my case.

Holy crap. The juice was sweeter and cooler than the last sip I’d take—but I still thought it was probably the best orange juice I’d ever drunk, and here I was downing it like a person dying of thirst instead of savoring it.

“Tell you what.” Picking up his fork, he scooped up more food before looking me directly in the eye. “Today is your chance to impress me. I don’t disagree that you must be a good worker, or they wouldn’t have sent you to me, but there’s a chance that there’s something there that’s holding you back, something you haven’t recognized about yourself. Maybe your leaders haven’t been able to properly express your shortcomings to you. I can give you a fair evaluation, without any kind of bias.”

Nodding, I picked up my glass once more. “Thank you…Maddox. That’s all I ask.”