The eyes I have on the guy tell me he hasn’t contacted his father in over a year.
And even then, it was a terse interaction at a roadside diner.
"What's Logan got to do with any of this?" Kane asks, turning to see what I'm staring at.
“You tellin’ me you wouldn’t have something to say about it if your old man was taken down?” Minion asks.
“‘Course I would.” Kane’s face falls as the pieces slot into place. “You think he could be a threat?”
"I'd be naive not to account for it," I drawl.
My eyes flick back to the foremost window of the house.Could have sworn that curtain moved.“Harvey.”
“Yeah?” My youngest rises to his feet, dusting his ass off as he joins our merry crew.
“You and Hammer position yourselves at the back of the property. I want all exits covered in case the fucker decides to run.” Which he’s fucking renowned for. “Kane. Watch the front.”
“What are you going to do?”
I smirk. “Minion and I are going to see if he’s in the mood for some Girl Scout cookies.”
“Fuckin’ said you should just knock on the goddamn door,” Kane mumbles as he checks his weapon. “Shoot to maim? Or shoot to kill?”
I lift an eyebrow. “What the fuck you think, asshole?”
“Maim.” He sighs, shoving his gun in the back of his waistband. “You’re no fun.”
"And you're a fuckin' concern." I don't miss the side-eye from Minion. He sees it, too—the danger of Kane's youth.
He’s been working for the club, doing errands, and giving people a shakedown for a couple of years. But he's yet to see real action. He hasn't had to kill a man. Hasn't had to hear a man beg for his life.
Hasn’t had to beg for his.
Club life is still a game to him, and my biggest concern is that he'll pass that headspace onto his younger brother.
It’s the kind of foolhardy arrogance that’ll get a man killed.
"Just watch the fuckin' property, will you?" I dismount and shed my jacket, giving better access to the weapons holstered at my side.
“Come on, kid.” Hammer nods toward Harvey, dropping his cigarette to the ground and stamping it out as he does. “Let’s get in position.”
I take the apprehension at watching my youngest cross the street, gun tucked beneath his cut, and twist that concern around my heart until it resembles something closer to frustration. Anger that I live a life where it’s acceptable to put your children in harm’s way. Anger I can use to make sure fuckers like my opportunistic brother aren’t able to create that danger.
“Maim,” I remind Kane.
“Yes, Dad.” He rolls his eyes, shifting to stand in front of the bikes.
I give Minion a tight nod and then check the road both ways before crossing over to get this shit done.
Fox is my brother, and I'll always love him.
But he took my daughter.
He took Maddie, then twisted Sweetie up so that she took Rae.
And they fucking hurt them. This asshole and his fucking devoted side piece fucking terrified my girls and left them scarred in places no salve can heal.
He did all of that, and for what?