Page 65 of What Lies Within

A wicked grin splits his lips, and he offers the fingers as a tease.

Motherfucker doesn’t expect me to take her honey off his digits and gulp it down as my balls draw tight, threatening to spill.

“Asshole.” He dives in, swiping his tongue over her again before rising to his feet and backing away, still jacking his dick as he does.

Our voyeur returns to his seat to watch as Rae continues, determined to make me come down her pretty little throat. "Enough." I pull her off me with a wet pop and nod between my legs. "Bend over."

She obliges, ever the fucking obedient partner, and backs her perfect ass against me, resting on where my jeans still sit strung tight between my thighs. Hand to her lower back, I hold her out of the way long enough to kick the goddamn restriction down to my ankles and off, freeing me up to spread my knees wider.Better.I brush my thumb over her tight hole, relishing the shiver it elicits beneath the hand still on her back.Later.For now, I simply want to watch my cock slide in and out of that goddamn swollen pussy while I tease myself to the point of self-destruction.

Hand around the base of my cock, I use my thumb to angle the head so that it hits her slit. Rae gasps, hands braced atop my knees as she lowers herself back, fucking swallowing my dick until all I can see is the goddamn masterpiece that is her cunt snug against my crotch.

I slide my hand around her waist, tease her breast where it hangs heavy, and flick the nipple. “Feelin’ better yet?”

"Uh-huh." The sound is high-pitched, her hips shaking as she fights to steady herself.

"Don't force it, baby. You wanna ride that dick until you fucking come, then go ahead. Show me how you can bounce that perfect ass on my cock.Use me.” I grit the last two words between my teeth, fucking meaning every goddamn word of what I said.

I’m hers. To use whenever she needs, however she needs. I want to be the reason she smiles, the catalyst to her bliss. I want this goddamn woman tofeelthat she's loved. To know two men in this goddamn world expect nothing out of her than her fucking best.

Whatever that ends up being.



Never once in my life thought I'd find myself here, insanely turned on, while I watch my brother fuck the woman that I call my own.

But, goddam, does she look good on the end of his dick.

My fist tightens around the head of my cock, throttling the crown until it turns an angry red. I draw a deep breath, center myself, and focus on not nutting my load too soon.

I plan to make Rae wear it. Show her what she does to me.

My breath saws in and out of my lungs in ragged pulls, gaze hooded as I watch Tyke lift Rae’s legs so she kneels on the seat cushion, hands braced before her on the ground. It elevates her ass in the air and spreads her cheeks wide. I can fucking imagine how that angle would work as he slides home with a guttural moan, following up with a slap on her ass that echoes through the office.

My balls draw tight.

I'm not going to fucking last. Which goddamn says something when I'm barely two hours off emptying my load in the fucking shower with Rae upstairs.

“Jesus, you two.” I slam my head back, ricocheting off the back of the sofa twice to knock some sense into myself. “Makin’ me regret sayin’ I’d sit this one out.”

“She looks good, yeah?” Sweat sheens on Tyke’s brow with the effort, his hips pistoning against her ass.

"Fuckin' beautiful." I meet Rae's eye briefly before she slides those hypnotic browns closed, mouth parted. "Nope." I pause, slapping my rigid cock against my lower stomach. "Can't keep this up, you assholes."

“Please,” Rae whimpers. She spears me with a lust-drugged stare. “Closer.”

“You want me there?” My dick pulses in my fist.

“Ye—“ Her breath is stolen with the force Tyke slams home. “Yes.”

Don’t need to ask me twice.I slide off the sofa and reposition myself before her, seated on my heels. “Close enough?”Fuck.I can smell how aroused she is from here.

“I want…” She hesitates, panting through the sensations as Tyke plays dirty, thumb against the rose of her ass. “I want to taste you when you come.”

Takes everything in me not to unload right there and then. “Fuck, girl.” I move closer, enough that all it will take is a slight dip of Rae's arms, and she can take me in her mouth.

Taste me.