Page 46 of What Lies Within

The grin devours her face in a split second. “Hell yeah.”

Minion will kick my ass for allowing her on a bike, but the girl knows how to ride, and she’ll be useful if Rae is indeed reluctant to talk to me. “Pack this,” I say, sliding a loaded Ruger across the counter toward her.

“I’m coming too.” Harvey retrieves his piece from the cabinet and checks the clip.

Not so many years ago, brothers would walk these halls with their weapons holstered to their side. In our grandfather’s time, it wasn't unheard of for a man to keep a rifle slung over his back as he rode the streets. It was part show of power and part protection from the enemies Method would make in every dark and dusty corner of the state.

But Tyke put a stop to that.

Right after two brothers got into a brawl in the middle of the clubhouse, and one discharged two shots into the leg of the other.

In front of his young children.

Gun safety is paramount, and while these kids have known how to handle a weapon from a young age, they know that the damn things only come out when we mean business, which is why Harvey packs his pocket with a second clip and passes extra bullets to Jamie.

"Are you sure about this?" he asks, glancing at the girl while she's occupied. "She gets hurt…"

“And I’ll deal with it.” If Minion wanted her out of the business, he wouldn’t have had her driving the truck to a fucking pick-up the other night. He wouldn’t have taught her self-defense, how to protect herself, and where to go should shit turn south.

He wants his girl safe, but he wants her eyes open, too.

Besides, I don’t have much choice when all the officers are otherwise occupied in what fast becomes the great Easter egg hunt of fucking Red River.

“I’m not expectin’ to find much,” I tell them both as I head for the door, jamming the gun in the back of my waistband. “But it pays to be prepared, especially with the shit goin’ down right now.”

Knowing Rae is with Sweetie is some comfort, but the fact that she's radio silent still doesn't sit well. The older woman could no doubt protect her if she wanted to, but it's not her job.

It’s mine.

And Tyke’s.

Speaking of which…I duck back and retrieve the damn phone I’d left on the counter in my haste and punch out a message to Tyke as I stride toward the garage.

Rae's gone off-site. In the truck with Sweetie. Heading out to meet up with them.

“Do I get to take the witch’s broom?” Jamie asks, jogging to catch up with me.

I huff a laugh. "Fuck no. Not after what happened last time someone used it." Maybe Tyke's right. Perhaps it is cursed. "You can use the Monster."

“But that’s Rigs’ spare bike.” Her eyes go wide as we cross into the yard.

“I know. But if things turn bad, I want you to get the fuck out of there, not nanna your way down the road on a fucking cruiser.”

"You think things are going to be that dangerous?" She scoffs. "Rae's with Sweetie. Worst you can expect is a verbal dressing down from her and maybe a hand across the face from Rae if you get too cocky."

If only it were that simple. “Maybe.”

But I know one thing these kids don’t.

One thing that has my heart rate sitting higher than it needs to be.

Sweetie’s old man, Buzz, was Fox’s best friend before the club threw our brother’s ass to the curb. And who was she fucking on the side before she got tied to Buzz?

Ten points for guessing right.
