Page 39 of What Lies Within

Me? I’m as easy to read as an open book.

“You think I’m goin’ soft, brother?”

Humor sneaks into the creases beside his eyes. “Come again?”

"Soft," I bark. "You think I'm too soft on these fuckers?" I sigh. "Wanted to run this club differently from the old man, but some days I wonder if he was a devil out of necessity rather than spite."

“He was a devil because he didn’t value human life,” Digger snaps. “You do.”

“Maybe too much,” I muse. “Maybe to the detriment of the lives I hold most precious.”

“You look like shit,” he says carefully after a moment of silence. “You get any sleep last night?”

“About as much as you.” I saw the low lamp light. Recognized the patterns of my brother when I made a late-night run to the kitchen for a fucking drink. Not that it helped settle me down.

Contemplated going to Rae’s room to get some relief. To tire myself out. But walked the other fucking way when it occurred to me I’m not the man she deserves right now.

What kind of fucker would I be if I gave myself over to temptation when my daughter is God knows where? I get that rest is what I need to keep my head clear, my mind sharp, and my decisions fair and just, but shit—laying in my warm bed like a fucking king doesn’t sit right when she could be fighting for her next breath.

Fucking her best friend senseless sat right even less.

I need my goddamn princess home. I needed it yesterday.

“You seen Rae since you walked out?” Digger’s gaze searches the room. “Wanna make sure she’s okay.”

"I haven't. No." I run my eye over the room, stomach clenching when I fail to find any sign of our woman. "Check upstairs and let me know how you get on." My keys bite into my hand as I jerk them from my pocket. "I got something to do."

“Share.” Digger’s eyes narrow.

I rub a hand over my neck, ending with it gripped tight on my nape. "Promised Deo that I'd update him on what we're doing to bring Maddie back."

“Fuck’s sake.” He jerks his head in tight disagreement. “You can do that with a phone, dickhead.”

“The kid cares about her, Dig. Besides,” I say, surveying his reaction as I do. “I want to talk to Marco again.”

“What about?”

I press my tongue to the back of my teeth and steel my jaw. “We remove Terry, we get stuck fixing the void we create, right?”

Digger nods.

“What if it ain’t us who gets rid of the problem?”

His eyes narrow. “You think Marco would step in and fuckin’ kill him? And for what? Control of Terry’s business?”

“Maybe.” I shrug. “Don’t know unless I ask.”

"They're fucking hours away," he points out. "You got that time to waste today when it could be put to better use? Out there, looking for Maddie?"

My chest tightens, rage coiled in the taut muscle of my jaw. I fuckingknowI could be feet on the ground, tires on the road, searching for my baby girl. But my loyalty is to this club as much as it is to family. What kind of leader would I be if I left us vulnerable while stirring up shit with our biggest adversary?

"Marco has the family in town," I correct. "Stayed here last night when the witch pitched a fit. Marco only agreed because Deo wanted to be close, too."

“I don’t like it.” He runs a hand over his head, stepping back a pace. “That fucker doesn’t do anything for free.”

“Cost I’m willing to pay.” I shrug. “It’s legit, Dig. At the very least, I need to know he can keep an eye on Terry while we’re out of town next week.”

“We’re still goin’ to the rally?” Digger’s eyes shoot wide. “With all that’s goin’ on?”