We’re doing the same.
Minion's raised eyebrow as I walked past earlier tonight with her hand in mine comes to mind. That reaction is precisely what I knew would happen, whatshe’safraid of. And I fed into it by saying we needed to be on the down low until we figured out our trio's dynamic.
"I'm takin' it to the council," I state, drawing Digger's attention. "Once I know my girl's safe and settled, I'm puttin' whatever this is—" I gesture between the three of us "—to vote. I want to have the club's blessing before we make this public."
“And what is this, exactly?” Digger asks carefully, tilting his head.
Rae’s arms cross over herself again.
I meet her eye, bathe in the obligation that swells in my heart to care for and protect her, and then find my brother's curious, patient gaze. I've always felt the same way toward him, yet in a platonic manner. As his big brother, all I've ever hoped to do is protect him. His health and his happiness.
When I put the two of them together, the goals align so perfectly.Sheis what makes him happy, and yetIalso make her happy.
Whether we like it or not, we’re linked in this weird little triangle for the foreseeable future.
“I don’t know what the fuck you want to call it,” I say. “But the simple truth is Rae’s yours, and Rae’s mine. But more importantly,” I say, meeting her eye once more. “We’re both yours.”
"You honestly believe we can have an open relationship?" she asks.
I laugh. “Oh, baby, no. It ain’t open. You bring another man to this bed, and I swear I’ll cut his fuckin’ dick off before I use mine in a way you ain’t ever forgettin’ who you belong to. But yeah, thethreeof us are in this thing. And I’m good with that.”
Hearing the words from my mouth cement the decision even harder. Yeah. Iamokay with this.
And seeing how my brother raises his brows with a slow nod, he is, too.
She’s ours, and we’re hers.
That’s all there is to it.
Arms wrapped around Digger, I ride back to the Reapers’ compound with a thousand questions burning through my mind. Each one raises more of its own, branching off into little fingers of dread that tickle in my chest.
Is Maddie okay?
Why did he take her?
Is it because of me?
The last question leaves bile burning the back of my throat, a tight fist of guilt wrapped around my heart. I wince through the discomfort, leaning away from Digger as we cross through the gates. My gaze falls on a gleaming black vehicle parked near the clubhouse doors. I'm no expert on cars, but the stocky sedan is a newer, expensive model.
“Who does that belong to?” I ask as soon as Digger shuts the engine off.
He removes his helmet, a scowl etched firmly across his brow as he stares at the ride. “Trouble.”
I seek Tyke amongst the bikes in the garage and find him working his jaw side to side, focusing on the car while he removes his gloves.
“Don’t fret,” Digger offers, rising from his bike. “Tyke has it under control.” He pulls his phone from his shirt pocket inside his cut.
He shakes his head before looking to Tyke, who now does the same. "Update?"
“They’re on their way back,” he says with evident relief. “Not far out.” His head snaps up, and I follow his line of sight.
A man around my age, blond and impeccably dressed in black slacks and button-down—open at the collar and rolled on his forearms—strides across the yard. “Where the fuck is she?”