Page 111 of What Lies Within

Terry takes a moment to answer. “Yes.”

“That your orchestration?”

He sighs. “Let’s call it a happy consequence.”

“Ain’t nothing you do based on consequence.” I stare at the floor to my left, set the asshole in my periphery. “How long we going to do this dance?”

“How long do you plan to avoid the inevitable?” His tone holds an edge to it I don’t like.

I lift my chin and study the guard to Terry's left. The man's square jaw tics, yet his eyesight stays trained over his boss's head. He pays careful attention but doesn't seem to be at the point of calculations, which means one of two things: either Terry doesn't plan homicide yet, or the security feels comfortable enough to stand down because their boss has a weapon within reach.

Either option is as treacherous as the other. Only one holds immediate consequences.

I turn slowly and shift my gaze to the devil in disguise.

Terry lifts his mug to his lips, taking a slow sip as he regards me over the rim. His fucking eyes crinkle at the corners, his foot making lazy circles in the air.

Cunt enjoys this far too much.

Coward never leaves his property for the same reason.

He feels brave here, in his veritable fortress. Protected. Ballsy.

Put the man out on the road, and he'd crumple faster than a wet drive-thru napkin.

“How much it costin’ you?” I ask, eyes narrowed as I lift my chin. “To bribe the local PD to stay away from your properties?”

"More than you'd have left to play with each week." He sets the cup down, fidgeting with its position until it’s perfectly aligned with the handle pointing east. “Jealous?”

“Call me wowed by a magician’s tricks,” I say. “You believe a few carefully placed bills will keep them off your private road? Forever?”

"Of course not."

“So, what’s the end game? How you goin’ to keep that goddamn waste of resources profitable when they keep hiking the fee to stay silent year after year?”

"They won't feel inclined to push my generosity when their family members start vanishing." He straightens his collar as he says this, fussing with his goddamn clothes like it's a throwaway concern. "Why the curiosity, Tyke? Do you need reassurances before you offload that troublesome lot of yours?" He pins me with his steely gaze.

My upper lip twitches as I stare dead into the eyes he gifted his son. They have the same crisp intent, the same skittish disposition, and a thousand reasons not to trust him within the inky flecks of his irises.

“You fucked up when you took my goddamn daughter.” I struggle to keep my voice level as I approach the table. “You fuckin’ ended this between us when you took my old lady.” I grip the back of the seat he offered with white knuckles.

"You seem upset, darling." He utters the insult with no shortage of disrespect. "Perhaps you should find somewhere to lie down—" His eyes narrow. "—and die like the old dog you are."

“Feelin’ more alive than I have in a long time.” I shunt the chair under the table. The back smacks the rim, rattling his empty mug. "Let's take a walk." I nod toward the overpaid accessories on either side of him. "Without the jewelry.”

Terry’s gaze flits to Ronan, and he nods—once.

The two security detail fall back, filing to the deck's upper level and inside one after the other. Ronan shuts the doors behind them and returns to our party of two. "After you, gentlemen."

I fold my arms, tracking Terry as he rises from the table. My head swims—the sudden rush of adrenalin is too much for my already wired system.

The tick of the clock echoes louder in my mind.

Fate’s hand moves toward the hour.

Judgement day has arrived.