Page 102 of What Lies Within


Once again, I'm in awe of the simplicity of Tyke's safety. He offers nothing more than a solid body to shield me from the world, a hand to hold when I feel unsure. And yet, I crave his quiet, stoic presence when my thoughts get too heavy. He offers me a safe place to let go, to release the burden of my anxious mind, sure in the knowledge that he's got me while I do.

That nothing can touch me as long as he’s around.

Yet, Digger's touch settles me as I step out into the yard, the chill of the night whispering across my face. Gentle fingers circle my nape, and he guides me against his heated body as the men beside the vehicles take a step forward.

“You warm enough, baby girl?” He slides a finger beneath my chin, frowning a little when he sees the redness around my eyes.

“For now.” I nod toward the three men near the hood of the foremost vehicle. “Who are they?”

”A necessary evil.” Digger’s hand slides to my lower back, his thumb tracing circles to ease my mind.

I study the two blacked-out cars in the yard, parked at odd angles to one another. They're pointed in such a way that if somebody wanted to leave in a hurry, they could. I drag my gazeright and note the gate wide open, confirming my suspicion—whoever this is, they aren't discounting that this meeting could go south fast.

I suppress the shiver that strokes my spine, leaning closer to Digger’s body.

Tyke expels a heavy breath, jaw working side to side before he glances down at me, brow furrowed. “This won’t take long.” His thick fingers find mine, and he weaves our hands together before starting toward the small group.

I glance back at Digger and note his subtle nod as his brother pulls me toward the trio of strange men. The foremost stands alone, wrapped in a heavy wool coat. He exudes importance, even without the backdrop of the cars or stoic-looking security detail flanking his position.

"This her?" The man addresses Tyke. He's shorter in build yet just as thickset in the chest and shoulders.

“Sure is.” Tyke’s grip tightens.

My anxiety spikes.

If he’s nervous, then surely, I should be terrified. Who are these men?

As though in answer, the second vehicle's rear passenger door opens, and Marco steps out, pocketing his phone. His lips curl into a cocky lopsided grin, and he offers me a nod as he approaches. "Rae."

I glance at Tyke, yet his focus is tight on the shorter man before us.

"So," the man in charge of this small meeting says. "I hear you were witness to Terry Creed murdering Tom Battersley." He lifts his head to regard me down his nose. "That so?"

Tyke squeezes my hand and gives a tight nod.

I hold the stocky man’s eye as I answer. “Yes.”

“Good.” He shifts his attention to Marco, positioned between us to my right. “You sure about this?”

Marco inclines his head. “Full confidence.”

The mystery man nods slowly, then lifts his right hand to snap his fingers at the security detail. One of the men approaches, pulls a pack of cigarillos from his breast pocket, and lights a stick for the boss. Our unnamed guest takes the smoldering stick from his employee and lifts it to his lips, puffing four times before he rolls the smoke cloud in his mouth and releases it toward the middle of our circle.

I don’t miss the power play. The blatant flaunting of his ability to hold not one, or two, but three men captive on his every word.

It pisses me off no end.

I've met men like this plenty in my life, and, in my experience, they always end up more trouble than they're worth. An ego bigger than their sensibility. Their pride a liability for the safety of those around them.

“What’s your expectation?” Tyke states, breaking the pointless silence.

The man studies him a beat, chugging on that goddamn cigarillo before he answers. “I’ll call in the favor when I need to."

Tyke draws a deep breath, fingers twitching in mine. “I’d rather we stated terms here and now.”

“That ain’t the way I work, buddy.” The man taps ash on the ground, peering at Digger’s threatening stance from the corner of his eye. “Way I see it, you called me in to mediate affairs I had no prior knowledge of. Noneedto know of. You begged for my help?—”