I point to his worn black T-shirt. “It’s on inside out, bud.”
He glances down at himself, shoulders dropping as he sighs. “Shit.”
Digger conceals his grin, following Tyke toward the door while their Tail Gunner fixes his clothing. I glance about the space, seeking out Maddie, yet only find Jamie as she weaves between the men toward me.
"Hey." Her gaze passes over Harvey as he settles on the sofa beside her.
“You know what this is all about?” I glimpse Tyke’s back as he disappears into the yard, Digger close behind and Hammer jogging to catch up.
“Not really.” She carefully leans against the rolled arm opposite Harvey.
I take the seat closest to the fire, forcing her to make it stupidly obvious that she avoids him or give in to her whims and settle where she'd rather be.
At his side.
He watches her intently, curious about her decision also.
“All I heard,” Harvey says, dragging his focus away from Jamie when she refuses to move. “Is that Deo showed up fifteen or so ago.”
"Bit weird that all the officers have gone out to see him, ain't it?" Jamie relents, sitting on the sofa opposite mine, on Harvey's far side.Damn it, girl.“They better not be hurting him. Marco won’t like that.”
I scour the room again. “Has anyone seen Maddie?” Legs tucked up before me, I wrap one arm around my shins.
Harvey shakes his head.
Jamie frowns. “She was down here earlier.”
The door to the yard slides open, punctuating her statement as the woman in question comes flying into the room. “No!” Maddie strides across the floor, damn near sprinting toward the stairs, Deo hot on her trail.
"Babe!" He jogs toward her, closing the gap between them while the three of us assembled on the furniture watch in rapt silence. "Why not?"
The duo disappears up the staircase, argument fading with them, as a sleep-addled Kane emerges on the landing.
“What the fuck was that about?” He thumbs toward the direction of the bickering couple.
"No idea," Harvey answers. "But I'd say it has something to do with why the officers are all out in the yard."
“They are?” Kane drops down the risers, slow and measured like a goddamn panther.
My gaze drags over his bare torso, ink on clear display, yet it's the feel of his decorated hands that still tickles at my throat. I bite back a gasp when my attention lands on the burgeoning black eye and split lip that mar his otherwise perfect face.
I’d be a fool not to think that’s because of me.
Because of what he did.
Kane’s gaze snaps to mine as he reaches the floor. “Mommy,” he quips.
I glance away and roll my eyes toward the ceiling. Despite his obvious punishment, not much seems to have changed, then.
“Cut it out, Kane.” Harvey frowns at his brother.
"What?" The fucker stalks to stand before the fire as though highlighted by the flames of hell themselves. "She wants to shack up with Dad, so it's only a matter of time before she wantsuscallin’ her that.”
“You have a mother, Kane,” I grit through a stiff jaw. “And she seems to have done a bang-up job raising you already."
He lunges forward, bending to arc over me—face a storm.
I don’t offer him the satisfaction of cowering from his advance. Back straight, I hold the fucker’s eye and lift an eyebrow. “And right now, all you’re doing is proving my point.”