Page 5 of What Lies Within

"She's sittin' in on the chaos, listening and learnin'." Digger runs a hand over his face. "I don't want her takin' this shit on her shoulders, brother."

"Neither." I jerk my head up, frowning. "She needs one of us with her tonight, Dig. You know better than anyone how deep the dark hours are."

"She won't be alone." His jaw ticks, promise unspoken in the lines of muscle. "What the fuck do we do next?"

"I don't fuckin' know." I slam my body against the sofa and stare at the ceiling again, bracing both hands on my head. "I don't fuckin' know, brother, and it fuckin' guts me." I swallow the fear that threatens to steal every breath I dare take from here until we find Maddie. "What kind of father am I, President, If I can't fix this?"

"You're not superhuman," he offers gently, no doubt fearful that this will find me back in the bottom of a bottle.

Fuck knows it could.

"We'll keep a tail on Atticus," he says. "And if I have to fuckin' kick down Terry's door myself to eliminate that route, then I will."

A gentle knock swivels our heads toward the source of the noise. "Yeah?" I grunt.

The door cracks and Rae's apologetic face appears in the gap. "Sorry to interrupt, but is it okay if I talk to you?"

"Come in, baby girl." I draw a deep breath, the air already lighter now that she is in my line of sight.

Fuck knows what I'd do if I lost her too.Fuck. Who's to say she ain't next anyway?

"You okay?" Digger asks, making space for her to sit beside him.

She eyes the gap, then me, finally opting to sit on a different sofa to avoid issues. "I, um, sent Connor a message when you said you couldn't locate Terry."

I jackknife in the seat, turning to face her as I do. "What the fuck you do that for?" If he rats to his daddy, shares thepredicament we're in before I'm ready… We could lose any possible advantage.

Rae wilts under the weight of my stare. "I did it because I want to be useful, Tyke."

Digger holds his hand toward me, asking her, "What did you say?"

"Just that we can't find Maddie," she offers. "He said he thinks he might know where she is." Her gaze falls to the floor, hand flopping the phone around as she explains, "I asked where, but he hasn't replied yet, so I thought I'd come to tell you what I know anyway."

I lock gaze with my brother.Do we believe him?Kid’s never been a liar before, but then again, we’ve never had Rae messing with his head, either.

Jaw rolling, I study Rae, sitting to my right. "You believe the fucker's tellin' the truth?"

"Yeah," she says quietly. "I do." Her gaze shifts to the phone still clutched in her hand. "What should I say next?"

"Nothing," Digger exclaims as though it's clear cut. "The floor's his. If he wants to tell us, he will; otherwise, there ain't anything more you can say."

Her mouth twitches, lips a firm line as she exhales long and slow.

She thinks she said something she shouldn't. That she gave away a game she didn't know she should be playing. To be fair, she's right. I didn't want Terry alerted until we knew itwashim. Didn't want that fucker having this shit over me when I was trying to hold my ground with Rae. But then again, maybe that's the error. I let my pride get in the way. I equated vulnerability to weakness and fucking tied a little bow around it labeled 'death of the ego.'

"There's no secrets," I offer. "Not yet. You've done good."

Better than I can.

She nods silently, and then Rae's thumbs fly across the screen. Digger and I sit, captivated by the woman, studying her every move, our breath bated for her next words.

"What did you say?" I grumble.

"Told him I'd meet him face-to-face if he promises to give me everything he knows."

Digger leans back in his seat with a dissatisfied growl; hands fisted atop his knees.

I get it—I don't want that unhinged fuck anywhere near her, either.