Page 37 of What Lies Within

Only the faded outline of where it once was.

The leather hanging over my shoulders itches again. The weight of the responsibility. The status.

The image.

“Where were you thinkin’ of goin’?” Sweetie asks as we cross through the living area to the exit outside.

I note the closed door of Tyke's office and the absence of either man outside of it. Connor's truck is still parked in the yard.Him over me.My fingers find the edge of the vest, pads rolling the stitching as I skip a step to catch up with Sweetie’s long strides. “I hadn’t thought much about it, really. Just need somewhere quiet to get my thoughts straight.”

She nods. “Fair enough.”

We pile into the old truck, and Sweetie starts the engine, gaze flitting across to me in intervals as she waits for the engine to warm.

“You know,” I say with a slight chuckle when she finally sets off. “We don’t have any bags if we’re going shopping.”

She smirks. “Good thing the store does, then, huh?”

I smile, turning my head to look out the window as we idle past the clubhouse and through the open gate. Tyke will be mad, Digger disappointed. But I need this—the separation, the time to get my head right. I let them guide me back here when I asked for help, and I willingly fell under their spell, happy to feel safe and protected when it felt like the whole world was against me.

But they proved, just now, how fickle that protection is. Mere weeks ago, I was a girl on the run from the ex who threatened my life, and in the blink of an eye, I’m now the pawn they trade back in hopes of securing their queen.

I need to figure out what’s best for me. How the fuck I move forward from this, and if it indeed involves my heart. Because that motherfucker sings for those men, reaches for the comfort of their safety. It’s my brain that knows better.

That knows, when it all comes down to it, we’re all out to help ourselves first and foremost. Love be damned.

"You know," Sweetie starts as she turns us down a side road I've never traveled until today. "This is the first time I've seen you with the patch on your back."

The urge to strip it off and throw it out the window to avoid the questions and scrutiny burns.

"Figured now is as good a time as any to start wearing it."

“Huh.” She rolls her jaw, gaze fixed on the road.

“What?” I curl toward the door, arms across myself.

“Whole thing’s kinda quick, is all.”

Fuck’s sake.This whole thing is wrong. Too fast. Too easy. “You realize it’s just a ruse, right?” The words feel even worsefalling from my lips. “They just want people to think this is why I’m with the club, so nobody asks the truth.” I finger the supple material again.

Sweetie runs her eye down me and then refocuses on the road. “What is the truth?”

She doesn’t know.How many in the club have no idea why I crashed into their home and claimed their men? "What have you been told?" I hedge. "About why I'm here.”

Her mouth opens, a soft sigh falling free. “You need protection.” She shrugs. “Is all.”

“Not what from. Or who?”

“You told me just before.” She catches my eye, one eyebrow raised. “Bad deal with the ex, right?”

"Right." I stare at the passing scenery and jostle in the seat as we turn onto a dirt road. "Where are we going?"

"Oh, just somewhere I know. Close by so we won't be gone too long, but not somewhere many people know about so you can get your peace and quiet." She smiles, reaching across to set her hand on my knee and give it a little wiggle. "Don't worry, honey. You'll be back where you belong before you know it."



"Got a job for you." Hand to Minion's back, I guide him away from his conversation with Rigs and into a quieter corner of the room. "Take ten to recharge, and then I want you and Kane to work through this laundry list."